WanderLust is a web application designed to help users explore and share travel destinations. It includes features for listing travel destinations, writing and viewing reviews, and user authentication.
To get started with WanderLust, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/yourusername/WanderLust.git cd WanderLust
Install the required dependencies:
npm install
Start the MongoDB server:
Run the application:
node app.js
- Navigate to
in your web browser. - Register or log in to start exploring and adding travel destinations.
- Listings: Users can view and add travel destinations.
- Reviews: Users can write reviews for listed destinations.
- Search: Users can search for destinations by title, location, or country.
- Categories: Browse destinations by categories.
- User Authentication: Users can sign up, log in, and manage their sessions.
Implemented user authentication using Passport.js with a local strategy. Users can sign up, log in, and log out. Sessions are managed using express-session
and connect-flash
for flash messages.
Users can create, view, edit, and delete travel destination listings. Listings are stored in a MongoDB database using Mongoose for schema management. EJS templates are used to render views for listing management.
Users can add reviews to listings, which are also stored in the MongoDB database. Reviews can be deleted by the user who created them. The review system ensures that the feedback on listings is genuine and valuable.
Implemented a search feature that allows users to search for listings by title, location, or country using regex for partial and case-insensitive matching. Additionally, users can browse listings by categories.
Used various middleware for data parsing, method overriding, and static file serving. Implemented custom error handling to manage validation errors and other runtime errors gracefully.
GET /signup
: Displays the signup form.POST /signup
: Handles user registration.GET /login
: Displays the login form.POST /login
: Handles user authentication.GET /logout
: Logs out the user.
GET /Listings
: Displays all listings.GET /Listings/new
: Displays the form to add a new listing.POST /Listings
: Adds a new listing.GET /Listings/:id
: Displays details for a specific listing.GET /Listings/:id/edit
: Displays the form to edit a listing.PUT /Listings/:id
: Updates a listing.DELETE /Listings/:id
: Deletes a listing.
POST /Listings/:id/reviews
: Adds a review to a listing.DELETE /Listings/:id/reviews/:reviewId
: Deletes a review from a listing.
GET /category/:category
: Displays listings in a specific category.
GET /search
: Searches for listings based on a search term.
- If a route is not found, the user is redirected to a 404 error page with the message "Page not found!".
- Generic error handling middleware catches and displays errors with a status code and message.
- If some error occurs in using Wanderlust you need to download some packages.
Feel free to contribute to the project by submitting issues or pull requests. Enjoy using WanderLust!