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STAC trial runs cataloging tifs (geotagged imagery)


  • Download the raw data from the government
  • Unzip the raw data from a zipped file and decompose into .tif files
  • Turn the .tif into cloud optimised geotagged image files (cog.tif)
  • Coordinate transformation from HK1980 to WGS84
  • Create a thumbnail imageries collection for those cog images (for quicklook usage)
  • Upload the cog tif and thumbnail data into the server
  • Create a STAC item for each of the tif data
  • Inside the item, define the asset with cog, thumbnail, quicklook and herf (link to the cog imagery)
  • Create a STAC collection contains all the STAC item to build a collection
  • Create a STAC catalog to host the collection and associated items
  • Regular maintain the STAC item for future updates Data was collected from the CSDI Portal.