This is Discord bot for Werewolf Transylvania (Warcraft III Custom Map) community that is written for the following needs:
- Connect in-game lobby with the Discord channel so people can chat with others in discord while waiting for game to start;
- Automatic role distribution depending on rank/Elo points;
- Registering users for linking their Discord account to Warcraft III game account;
- Picking up a random quote from WC3 chatlog database using '!quote username@server' command;
- Saving Discord chatlog to a file.
- discord.js as main engine for connecting to Discord API;
- knex.js for MySQL connection with WC3 bot database
- Winston.js as a logger;
- Slightly changed version of node-emoji for converting discord emojis into readable format for in-game chat.
Written by Anton Grushin (Falanor). Discord profile: Falanor#0233