A solution for image processing , storage and provisioning in the docker environment. Uploaded photos will be enhanced, persisted and made available in different resolution through an .NET Core app.
- .NET Core
- Swagger
- SQL Local Database
- Apis and DB is dockerized and ready to used as a container image
- Apis are writeen in .NET Core and documented using swagger endpoint for better readability and documentation.
- It has endpoint for uploading and retrieving photos and their metadata
- Data is stored with sql database and photos are also persisted in the file system.
- Photos can we resized according to customized resolution.
- API also provide endpoint for retrieving images according to different application (e.g. /thumbnail -> 128px, /small -> 512px, /large -> 2048px).
- All the photos uploaded to the APIs are automatically enhanced (i.e. Brightness , Contrast etc.)
Project is: complete . Open for betterment.
Room for improvement:
- Some advance features can also be added (i.e. Image rotation, Image Flip etc).
- User can be provided to adjust the brightness from the front end.
- This project was inspired by IIASA NODES - Full Stack Challenge.
Created by @anuraadha - feel free to contact me!