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Tool to retrieve Slack messages from a DM conversation with a given username #119

Tool to retrieve Slack messages from a DM conversation with a given username

Tool to retrieve Slack messages from a DM conversation with a given username #119

# This workflow prevents unauthorized updates to existing toolkit versions,
# as well as unauthorized renames or removals of toolkits.
# Toolkits are versioned via the `toolkits/*/pyproject.toml` file.
# It ensures that only toolkit release managers can modify existing toolkit versions, rename, or remove toolkits.
# If a pull request is made by someone not in the toolkit release managers list, then the workflow
# will fail if any existing toolkit version is changed, or if a toolkit is renamed or removed.
name: Prevent Unauthorized Version Updates
types: [opened, synchronize, reopened, ready_for_review]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Load toolkit release managers
id: load_trm
run: |
echo "Loading authorized toolkit release managers from toolkits/TOOLKIT_RELEASE_MANAGERS.txt"
if [[ -f toolkits/TOOLKIT_RELEASE_MANAGERS.txt ]]; then
echo "toolkit_release_managers=${TOOLKIT_RELEASE_MANAGERS}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
exit 1
- name: Check if PR author is a toolkit release manager
id: check_author
run: |
PR_AUTHOR="${{ github.event.pull_request.user.login }}"
echo "PR Author: $PR_AUTHOR"
if echo "${{ steps.load_trm.outputs.toolkit_release_managers }}" | grep -wq "$PR_AUTHOR"; then
echo "Author is a toolkit release manager. Exiting workflow successfully."
echo "authorized=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
echo "Author is not authorized to perform toolkit release. Need to perform toolkit version checks."
echo "authorized=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Get versions from current commit
if: steps.check_author.outputs.authorized == 'false'
id: current_versions
# Get all toolkits in the format of "package_name=version" for the PR's current commit and save to current_versions.txt
run: |
paste <(cat toolkits/*/pyproject.toml | grep "^name = " | cut -d'"' -f2) <(cat toolkits/*/pyproject.toml | grep "^version = " | cut -d'"' -f2) | awk '{print $1"="$2}' > current_versions.txt
echo "Package versions in current commit:"
cat current_versions.txt
- name: Get versions from target branch
if: steps.check_author.outputs.authorized == 'false'
id: target_versions
# Get all toolkits in the format of "package_name=version" for the target branch and save to target_versions.txt
run: |
git fetch origin main
git checkout origin/main
paste <(cat toolkits/*/pyproject.toml | grep "^name = " | cut -d'"' -f2) <(cat toolkits/*/pyproject.toml | grep "^version = " | cut -d'"' -f2) | awk '{print $1"="$2}' > target_versions.txt
echo "Package versions in target branch:"
cat target_versions.txt
- name: Compare versions
if: steps.check_author.outputs.authorized == 'false'
id: compare_versions
# Iterate over each toolkit in the target branch and compare its version with the current commit
# Only fails if an existing toolkit version is changed, or if a toolkit is renamed or removed.
run: |
while read -r target_line; do
package_name=$(echo "$target_line" | cut -d'=' -f1)
target_version=$(echo "$target_line" | cut -d'=' -f2)
current_version=$(grep "^$package_name=" current_versions.txt | cut -d'=' -f2)
echo "Comparing $package_name: $target_version (target) vs $current_version (current)"
if [ -z "$current_version" ]; then
echo "Package $package_name has been removed or renamed."
echo "ERROR: Only toolkit release managers can remove or rename toolkits."
exit 1
elif [ "$target_version" != "$current_version" ]; then
echo "Version mismatch for $package_name: $target_version (target) vs $current_version (current)"
echo "ERROR: Only toolkit release managers can alter an existing toolkit version."
exit 1
echo "Versions match for $package_name: $target_version (target) vs $current_version (current)"
done < target_versions.txt