There is a semi live version that can be found at
To have fully working version the backend still needs to be run.
This can be done in 2 ways:
1- Follow Backend options below
2- Deploy AWS EC@ service using (S3, RDS, VPC), copy/enter database contents over and then connect to this instance
cd frontend
npm install
npm install --save-dev @astrojs/react react react-dom
npm run dev
cd backend
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --reload
The frontend data lives in \frontend\
, while the backend data lives in \backend\
Astro looks in the pages
directory for any .md
or .astro
files and loads the components inside them. Astro can use React or other UI component libraries (Vue, Svelte, etc).
Components are loaded from the components/
directory. The React ones have a .jsx
extension. Astro renders one-off by default, so you need to add client:load="react"
for your components to work properly with dynamic data wherever you use them.
To make one page link to another just add an <a href="/my_new_link>Click me</a>
to wherever you want.
This is holding the actual api information.
The database
page is where, after the command is given, that the system will check and create a database if one does not exist.
The models
page is the page where the system will create the table structure
of the database.
The schemas
page is where we can limit what is shown from the models
page. for example if we created a get_model
query you can show the phone make and phone model only while the database can hold the unique_id, phone_make, phone_model and Price.
The main
page is where the queries live. we can add, update, remove and get anything from our database in this page.
The worklog.txt
file holds my basic worklog on the day I did it. At the start I was doing 4 hours on the project and 4 hours study.