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DARKARMY is a Collection Of Penetration Testing Tools, you will have every script that a hacker needs
- Information Gathering
- Vulnerabilty Analysis
- Wireless Testing
- Exploitation Tools
- Sniffing & Spoofing
- Android Hacking
- Brute Force Tools
- Phishing Tools
- OS installer
- Credit
- Installing All Tools at Onces
- Lazy Recon
- Red Hawk
- Th3inspector
- WPGrabInfo
- BillCipher
- Gasmask
- Webkiller
- D-Tect
- UserRecon
- CMS Scanner
- XSStrike
- Crips
- Dork - Google Dorks Passive Vulnerability Auditor
- OwScan
- Click Jacking Scanner
- TM-Scanner
- AndroBug Framework
- SQLI Scan
- Commix
- WpSeku
- RouterSploit Framework
- Nikto Web Server Scanner
- Reaver
- Pixiewps
- Bluetooth Honeypot
- A-RAT Exploit
- Golden-Eye
- Hulk[Dos Tool]
- CMSeek
- MetaSploit Framework
- TM-Venom
- Zarp-Local Network Tool
- AutoSploit
- EggShell
- Brutal
- Setoolkit
- SSLtrip
- SMTP Mailer
- Python Packet Sniffer
- AndroRat
- Csploit
- Hackode
- SocialBox
- BluForce-FB
- FaceBoom
- Instabrute
- Brute-force-gmail
- GmailBruterV2
- WPBrute
- Cpanel-Bruter
- RDP-Brute
- Shellphish
- HiddenEye
- SocialFish
- Zphisher
- Blackeye
- Ubuntu
- Debian
- Kali Linux
- Kali Nethunter
- Backbox
- Fedora
- Cent Os
- Opensuse Leap
- OpenSUSE tumbleweed
- Arch linux
- Black Arch
- Alpine
Installation Linux ![alt tag](https://camo.githubusercontent.com/93fda261144007008a12da074835de1fdbfec97167dbc10499e6fca79beafced/687474703a2f2f69636f6e732e69636f6e617263686976652e636f6d2f69636f6e732f64616b697262793330392f73696d706c792d7374796c65642f33322f4f532d4c696e75782d69636f6e2e706e67)
cd darkarmy
chmod +x setup.sh or darkarmy.sh
./setup.sh or ./darkarmy.sh
bash setup.sh or bash darkarmy.sh
Download Termux NOTE : if you run first time then first run setup.sh .
bash darkarmy.sh
chmod +x darkarmy.sh
Developer / Author: D4RK4RMY