If you want to use weboll, read the user docs:
User Guide (Italian) to learn how to view and edit bulletins;
System Administraton Guide (Italian) to learn how to manage an instance of weboll.
If you want to hack on the source code, read the developer docs:
Start the local services on your workstation with this command (requires make, docker and docker-compose):
the webapp will then be live at: http://localhost:8080.
Docker Engine 21.10.0+ (Compose file format 3.8)
Browsers (can be checked launching
from project root):- Chrome/Chromium 107 and 108
- Chromium-based Microsoft Edge 107 and 108
- Firefox 91 (Debian stable 11 Extended Support Release), 107 and 108
- iOS Safari 15.6 to 16.2
- macOS Safari 15.6 to 16.2
- weboll does not run on Internet Explorer
Other tools, libraries and components we depend upon:
Name | Our version | Latest release | End-of-life | reference |
chartjs-adapter-date-fns | 3.0.0 | 3.0.0 (2022-12-11) | ? | https://github.com/chartjs/chartjs-adapter-date-fns |
chartjs-plugin-zoom | 2.0.1 | 2.0.1 (2023-03-22) | ? | https://www.chartjs.org/chartjs-plugin-zoom/latest/ |
bootstrap | 5.3.3 | 5.3.3 (2024-02-20) | ? | https://github.com/twbs/release |
date-fns/locale | 3.6.0 | 3.6.0 (2024-03-18) | ? | https://github.com/date-fns/date-fns |
vue-chartjs | 5.3.1 | 5.3.1 (2024-04-09) | ? | https://vue-chartjs.org/ |
typescript | 5.4.5 (2024-04-10) | 5.5.4 (2024-07-23) | ? | https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/releases |
vitest | 1.6.0 (2024-05-03) | 2.0.5 (2024-07-31) | ? | https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest |
vue-router | 4.3.3 (2024-06-10) | 4.4.3 (2024-08-06) | ? | https://router.vuejs.org |
ag-grid-vue3 community edition | 32.1.0 | 32.1.0 (2024-08-08) | ? | https://www.ag-grid.com/vue-data-grid/getting-started/ |
chartjs | 4.4.4 | 4.4.4 (2024-08-20) | ? | https://www.chartjs.org/ |
vite | 5.4.2 | 5.4.2 (2024-08-20) | ? | https://github.com/vitejs/vite |
node | 22.7.0 | 22.7.0 LTS (2024-08-22) | 2027-04-30 | https://github.com/nodejs/release#release-schedule |
eslint | 8.57.0 (2024-02-23) | 9.9.1 (2024-08-23) | ? | https://esbuild.github.io/ |
vue.js | 3.4.38 (2024-08-15) | 3.5.0 (2024-09-03) | ? | https://github.com/vuejs/vue/projects/6 |
PYTHON summary
Name | Our version | Latest release | End-of-life | reference |
python | 3.11.2 (2023-02-07) | 3.12.5 (2024-08-06) | 2027-10 | https://devguide.python.org/versions/#supported-versions |
django | 4.2.15 (LTS) 2024-08-06 | 5.1 (2024-08-07) | 2026-04-30 | https://www.djangoproject.com/download/#supported-versions |
celery | 5.4.0 | 5.4.0 (2024-04-17) | https://github.com/celery/celery/releases | |
djangorestframework | 3.15.2 | 3.15.2 (2024-06-19) | ? | https://www.django-rest-framework.org/community/release-notes/#deprecation-policy |
djangorestframework_simplejwt | 5.3.1 | 5.3.1(2023-12-04) | ? | https://github.com/jazzband/djangorestframework-simplejwt/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md |
drf-spectacular | 0.27.2 | 0.27.2(2024-04-01) | ? | https://github.com/tfranzel/drf-spectacular |
postgresql | 13.8 (2022-08-08) | 16.4(2024-08-05) | 2025-11-13 | https://www.postgresql.org/support/versioning/ |
Name | release date |
djangorestframework-xml==2.0.0 | 2020-04-13 |
django-wkhtmltopdf==3.4.0 | 2022-02-25 |
django-cryptography==1.1 | 2022-08-06 |
django-celery-results==2.5.1 | 2023-05-08 |
django-extensions==3.2.3 | 2023-06-05 |
flower==2.0.1 | 2023-08-13 |
argon2-cffi==23.1.0 | 2023-08-15 |
django-mass-edit==3.5.0 | 2023-08-22 |
django-environ==0.11.2 | 2023-09-01 |
psycopg2==2.9.9 | 2023-10-03 |
rcssmin==1.1.2 | 2023-10-03 |
python-ldap==3.4.4 | 2023-11-17 |
djangorestframework-simplejwt==5.3.1 | 2023-12-04 |
python-slugify==8.0.4 | 2024-02-08 |
drf-spectacular==0.27.2 | 2024-04-01 |
django-auth-ldap==4.8.0 | 2024-04-04 |
celery==5.4.0 | 2024-04-17 |
requests==2.32.3 | 2024-05-29 |
django-debug-toolbar==4.4.6 | 2024-06-10 |
djangorestframework==3.15.2 | 2024-06-19 |
hiredis==3.0.0 | 2024-06-19 |
whitenoise==6.7.0 | 2024-06-19 |
django-crispy-forms==2.3 | 2024-06-19 |
Pillow==10.4.0 | 2024-07-01 |
redis==5.0.8 | 2024-07-30 |
PyJWT==2.9.0 | 2024-08-01 |
django_filter==24.3 | 2024-08-02 |
django==4.2.15 | 2024-08-06 |
uvicorn[standard]==0.30.6 | 2024-08-13 |
matplotlib==3.9.2 | 2024-08-13 |
django-celery-beat==2.7.0 | 2024-08-22 |
numpy==2.1.1 | 2024-09-03 |
django-model-utils==5.0.0 | 2024-09-04 |
pytz==2024.2 | 2024-09-11 |
Name | release date | used by |
needle==0.5.0 | 2017-04-03 | test |
selenium==3.141.0 | 2018-12-19 | test |
urllib3==1.26.12 | 2022-08-22 | test |
ipdb==0.13.13 | 2023-03-09 | |
django-extensions==3.2.3 | 2023-06-05 | |
django-coverage-plugin==3.1.0 | 2023-07-10 | |
types-urllib3== | 2023-07-20 | |
types-requests== | 2023-09-27 | |
pylint-django==2.5.5 | 2023-10-23 | |
flake8-isort==6.1.1 | 2023-11-03 | |
pytest-sugar==1.0.0 | 2024-02-01 | |
types-pytz==2024.1.0.20240417 | 2024-04-17 | |
django-stubs==5.0.4 | 2024-07-28 | |
pre-commit==3.8.0 | 2024-07-28 | |
black==24.8.0 | 2024-08-02 | |
coverage==7.6.1 | 2024-08-04 | |
flake8==7.1.1 | 2024-08-04 | |
factory-boy==3.3.1 | 2024-08-18 | |
mypy==1.11.2 | 2024-08-25 | |
pytest-django==4.9.0 | 2024-09-02 | |
pytest==8.3.3 | 2024-09-10 |
documentation content is in
dir and the following files:CONTRIBUTORS.txt
docker setup is in the following dirs and files:
: contains the "multistage" Dockerfiles used to generate all the images- the multi-container Docker applications:
: main config, should match what will go in production, pulls pre-build images from the Gitlab CIlocal.yml
: for local development, builds all images locally for developmenttest.yml
: to run tests locallylocaltest.yml
: to run tests in the CI
back-end implementation is in the following dirs and files:
: configuration filesmanage.py
: the main entry point to start, stop and control the appsrequirements
: specify the 3rd party Python libraries usedwebsite
: where the common Python code resides- other files and dirs: common classes, DB interface, templates etc.
front-end implementation is in the following dirs and files:
: configuration file for the ESLint JavaScript statical analyzerpackage.json
: specify the 3rd party JavaScript libraries usedpublic
: static filessrc
: mixed JavaScript ES6 / TypeScript source code for the webapp's pages and components- other files and dirs: common components, pages, assets etc.
: TypeScript configurationvite.config.ts
: configuration file for the Vite Frontend Tooling
bulletins folders each bulletin has its specific folder with this structure:
- a
followed by the identification number of the bulletin gives the name for the folder, in particularw05
: for Meteo bulletinsw16
: for Ozono bulletins
subfolder containing the backend for the specific bulletin/front
subfolder containing the frontend for the specific bulletin/templates
subfolder containing the templates
- a
tests are in:
: the reference screenshots for how the UI should look liketests
: test implementationtests/unit
: JavaScript unit teststests/unit/w05
: for Meteo bulletinstests/unit/w16
: for Ozono bulletins
: Python test configuration
The Gitlab Continuous Integration is used to run a number of tests each time a commit is pushed to any branch, and to build container images that can be used to quickly reproduce things and/or for deployment.
The entire pipeline runs on each branch except tagging the images with latest
, so when you open an Merge Request (MR) you're pretty sure that you are not breaking things.
The Gitlab CI runs 4 stages:
Prepare: define some variables that control the rest of the pipeline and run the linters for Python etc. in parallel
Build images in three steps, and push the to the GitLab registry with a
tag:- application dependencies for production
- intermediate images with build / test dependencies
- the applications
Test: run tests in parallel:
- unit tests
- static type checking with mypy
- integration tests of the entire architecture using Docker Compose inside a docker container (!), including visual regression testing
Tag (only runs on master branch): If all tests pass, the pipeline tags the images as
(makeing them the current ones used by docker).
From the single "multistage" Dockerfile 4 images are derived:
- application dependencies for production
- build / test dependencies
- the complete images for production
- the complete image for testing
Images 1 and 2 are separated to make it easier to reuse them, particularly because the ones for building / testing are big and generating them every time would slow down development.
The images so built and tagged can be used locally to make reproducing errors quicker.
The unit tests are faster to write and run but integration tests allow you to test something as close as possible to production.
In addition, integration tests use Selenium so they can also test the UI and client-side JavaScript.
For visual regression testing Selenium is used to take screenshots and reports an error when it finds a difference with respect to the expected screenshot (but it is easy to update references when making changes).
Copyright (C) 2024 Arpa Piemonte - Dipartimento Rischi Naturali e Ambientali.
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later as per linee guida per l’Acquisizione e il riuso di software per la Pubblica Amministrazione.