This application has two diffrent role. One user has a just one role. Default role is LABORANT. Admin give just only ADMIN role. Laborant can report add, delete,update and list in this application. Admin can confirm account, delete account,list account, get detail account in this application.
Also I have a initial data. İnitial data adding Role and one Admin. initial data path backend/src/main/resources/data.sql . Admin name:Arslan,surname:Küçükkafa,laborant_id:87654321,password:Arslan19@ . You can use this informations when to build apllication.
Enter the folder if you are installed repository git clone or other ways
docker-compose up
You must waited when util confirm account if you are registered
You can login if you are confirmed account . try
The some features changed.
1-Everybody can view all reports.
2-Everybody can delete all reports.
3-Everybody can update all reports but report laborantId set current account of laborantId
4-You can search by desired paramters.You must send null all parameters If you want to all reports
5-You can sort reports by create date.