You can find all standard documents like Datasheet, Quick Guide and User Guide for all products on our website: Download Center (
And we keep updating our Knowledge Base for custmers to quickly find the solution for product or technical questions or issues:
- Send Email to:
Note: Milesight ticket system will auto creating one new ticket as soon as receiving your mail. - Or create the Milesight ticket account for better manage all Pre-sales or technical requirements.
- Create one Skype or Wechat or Whatsapp chat group if you have any urgent requirement need to discuss, instant contact would be perfect choice.
For the products under warranty, we can offer the RMA service, but would need you help to go through the steps as below:
- Collect the issue data as below from customer :
- Serial number of broken devices
- Issue video or high resolution pictures to show the issue details
- Is it DOA(Dead on Arrival) or not ?
- Get the debug log if the device is still alive but just worked abnormally
- For routers and lorawan gatewates: Enable Logs : IoT Support (
- For sensors and controllers :How to Get Milesight Node Log File : IoT Support (
- Reporting the issue to Milesight Technical Team: Submit a ticket or send an email to with the issue data in step1. We will dispose the issue and contact with you if need extral issue data and give you the final solution after getting internal RMA approval.
- Our sales will arrange the hardware delivery, you can get the process update from sales.