Welcome to Web Genesis, an intensive Web Development Mentorship program . This program is designed to help you build practical web development skills through hands-on projects and mentored guidance. 🚀
Our repository is organized into the following main directories:
📂 Easy/
📂 Medium/
📂 Hard/
1️⃣ Install Required Software:
2️⃣ Configure Git:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"
- Visit the main repository
- Click the "Fork" button in the top right
- Select your account as the destination
git clone https://github.com/[YOUR-USERNAME]/web-genesis.git
cd web-genesis
git checkout -b feature/task-name
# For first task
git checkout -b feature/task-1
# Make changes and commit
# For second task
git checkout main
git checkout -b feature/task-2
git add .
git commit -m "Descriptive message about your changes"
git push origin feature/task-name
- Go to your fork on GitHub
- Click "New Pull Request"
- Select your feature branch
- Fill in the PR template
- Submit for review
Before submitting your PR, ensure you have completed the following:
- Followed the PR description format (see below)
- Linked relevant tickets/issues
- Uploaded screenshots or video demos of changes (if applicable)
- Ensured code follows project standards.
Your PR should follow this structure to maintain clarity and consistency.
Provide a concise summary of the changes made in your PR and describe your implementation approach clearly. Example :
Mentors will be available to:
✅ Guide you through technical challenges
✅ Review your pull requests
✅ Provide best practice recommendations
✅ Help with Git workflow questions
✅ Suggest learning resources
✔ Use meaningful names for files and folders
✔ Follow consistent coding standards
✔ Comment your code appropriately
✔ Keep commits small and focused
✔ Write clear commit messages
✔ Update your fork regularly
✔ Reference the issue number
✔ Include screenshots for UI changes
✔ Describe your implementation approach
✔ Request review from mentors
📆 February 17th - March 7th → Learning Phase
📆 Post Mid-Semester Tests → Project Phase
✅ Start with easier tasks and progress gradually
✅ Commit code regularly
✅ Ask questions when stuck
✅ Collaborate with other participants
✅ Keep your repository up to date
🚀 Good luck with your web development journey! 💡