Releases: Austin12325/Foxhole-Blender-addon
Bug fix
Fixed skeleton not removing due to incorrect path
Expirmental features
Fixed console spam when "Bat file path" isn't set
Added removal of cooked files with the file size less than 2kb (Other tools -> Remove Instance using size)
Added removal of cooked files with if name has "Instance" or "instance" in it (Other tools -> Remove Instances using name)
Bug fix
UE cook failing if space is found in the file path
Packing operation failing
Bug fix
Removed problematic files from packing
Expirmental features
Packing of game files (no bat files required)
Support for pakchunks (set chunks for assets in Unreal)
Launch engine button
Open project folder button
"Game executable", "UE Engine path" have been added to "Foxhole Paths"
In a fresh blend file, set your paths properly, and check and uncheck "Pak using chunks" under "Other tools", then save start up file (file->Defaults->Save startup file)
Auto folder creation for Uproject
Automatically creates the imported objects filepath in your Uproject content folder upon export
Changed export path to "Uproject path"
Texture import rewrite
Changed warnings of duplicated from listing all object names to only inform you duplicates exist
Removed prop import in favor of auto texture import (Select the object, select the material then import textures)
Texture import bug fix
Fixed an issue where the import would slow down exponentially depending on how many assets you have in the scene
changed the text file import from every item in[x] to bpy.context.object.active_material
Expirmental features
Rewrite of material import
Expirmental features
- Warnings now offer you a button to fix the problem
- Import props txt UI removed in favor of automatic material import
- Added icons to some buttons
- Added descriptions to the operators