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A simulated Dectris Simplon API. Aims to have the same RESTlike interface and produce a ZMQ stream of data from an input Hdf5 file. The input HDF5 file is defined by the environment variable AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE, e.g. AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE=/path/to/HDF5_masterfile.h5

Currently generates a Stream V2 release compatible ZMQ stream.


Simulated Simplon API Configuration

To run the simulated Simplon API, you need to specify the path of an HDF5 master file using the AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE environment variable. You can also configure other parameters using the following environment variables:

  • AS_DELAY_BETWEEN_FRAMES: Specifies the delay between frames in seconds (default: 0.01 s). This number can be modified via the /ansto_endpoints/delay_between_frames endpoint.
  • AS_NUMBER_OF_DATA_FILES: Sets the number of data files from the master file loaded into memory (default: 1). The number of datafiles can be additionally modified when loading a new master file using the /ansto_endpoints/hdf5_master_file endpoint.
  • The number of frames per trigger is set automatically to the number of frames in the master file. This can be modified by using the /detector/api/1.8.0/config/nimages endpoint.

Running the simulated SIMPLON API

Running the app using docker (Recommended)

You can build and run the app by simply running:

docker compose up --detach

The app's behavior can be modified by setting environment variables in the docker-compose.yml file

Running the app locally

Follow these steps to run the app locally:

  1. Install the Library

    You have two options to install the library:

    • Using Poetry (Recommended): Run poetry install.

    • Using pip: Run pip install ..

      Note: For Ubuntu users, additionally install the following packages

       apt update
       apt-get install -y gcc libhdf5-serial-dev

      For other operating systems, Install the equivalent libraries for gcc and libhdf5-serial-dev.

  2. (Optional) Set the HDF5 File Path

    The master file used by simplon API can be specified via the AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE environment variable:

    export AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE=/path/to/HDF5_master_file

    If AS_HDF5_MASTER_FILE is not specified, the default master file included in this repo is used (example_1_master.h5)

    Additionally, the master file can also be set dynamically during runtime using the ANSTO endpoints: /ansto_endpoints/hdf5_master_file (see the swagger documentation for more information)

  3. Run the FAST-API application

    uvicorn ansto_simplon_api.main:app

    Note: The FastAPI Swagger / ReDoc endpoint documentation is disabled by default, to enable the documentation, please set the following environment variables.

    export AS_API_DOCS_URL=/swagger
    export AS_API_REDOC_URL=/docs
    export AS_API_OPENAPI_URL=/openapi.json

Example usage

Once the simulated SIMPLON API is up and running, you can verify its functionality by:

  1. Starting the ZMQ Consumer
python examples/
  1. Triggering the detector

You can arm, trigger, and disarm the detector using the following script:

python examples/

After running this script, you should see messages being received by the script.


You can see the endpoints currently implemented by accessing the interactive API documentation at http://localhost:8000/swagger. Ensure that the simulated SIMPLON API is up and running to access the documentation.