This repository contains examples used in the Learn VIP Course: Enterprise Block Editor (Gutenberg)
- A PHP CodeSniffer configuration that will check your code against the coding standards that are recommended by the Newspack team.
- A Prettier configuration for WordPress.
- A Husky configuration to lint local files changes before they are committed.
By running npm run setup
from the root of the project you'll:
- Install
dependencies - Install
dependencies - Initialize and configure husky pre-commit
Module 4: Advanced Block Development
- Lesson 4.1: Bindings
- Lesson 4.2: Inner Blocks
- Lesson 4.3: Context
- Lesson 4.4: Deprecation
- Lesson 4.5: Transforms
- Lesson 4.6: Block Variations
Module 6: Customizing the Editor Experience
- Lesson 6.1: Custom Block Panels and Inspectors
- Lesson 6.2: Slot & Fill System
- Lesson 6.3: Block Styles
- Lesson 6.4: Editor Filters and Actions
Module 7: WordPress Data Layer and
- Lesson 7.5: Creating Custom Data Stores
Module 8: Interactivity API
- Lesson 8.2: Implementing the Interactivity API