Clone using
git clone
cd f1tenth_racecar_ws
git submodule update --init --remote --merge --recursive
Build with colcon:
colcon build
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch vehicle_control
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch vehicle_control
When using the simulator, a map is alredy beeing published by the simulator. As this information clashes with any mapping/localization pipeline, we first need to disable this feature of the simulation.
To this end, open
from vehicle_control/launch
and comment out the follwing two lines to stop the simulation's map server from beeing started:
After that, use colcon build
to build your changes. You may now proceed to Creating a Map using slam_toolbox.
Start Slam Toolbox in the simulation with command
ros2 launch slam_toolbox slam_params_file:=mapping_localization/mapper_params_simulation_async.yaml
Start Slam Toolbox on the actual vehicle with command
ros2 launch slam_toolbox slam_params_file:=mapping_localization/mapper_params_online_async.yaml
Open rviz and add the SlamToobox Panel (Panels --> Add new panels). You can find a "save to file" button there.
ros2 launch mapping_localization/ params_file:=mapping_localization/nav2_params.yaml map:=MindenCitySpeedway0408.yaml
If the map does not show up in rviz2, set Map->Topic->"Durability Policy" to "Transient Local" in the left rviz control pane.
The TF Tree ALWAYS needs to be: map --> odom --> base_link --> laserframe; both for mapping and localization (wheras map --> odom is publiced by the particle filter in localization mode)