Reallo is a full-stack application inspired by Trello. Reallo offers a dynamic, user-friendly interface for managing tasks and projects. Built with React, Express, MongoDB, and Node.js. Project presentation (in spanish) here.
- Board Management: Users can create, update, and delete boards to organize various projects.
- List and Card System: Within each board, users can create lists and add cards with short descriptions representing individual tasks or items.
- Drag-and-Drop Interface: Intuitive drag-and-drop functionality for moving cards across and between lists.
- User Authentication: Secure login and registration system using Json Web Token for a personalized user experience.
- Real-Time Data Interaction: Utilizes Axios for efficient communication with the backend API. All the data is stored and updated in real time using a MongoDB database.
- Responsive Design: Adaptable interface for a consistent experience across different devices.
- Confetti!🎉: Special emoji recognition that triggers a celebratory confetti animation. Try to guess a way to trigger it!
- Toast Notifications: Beautiful notifications using React Hot Toast.
- E2E Testing: Workflow tested using Cypress.
- API Documentation: API endpoints documented using Swagger.
- Deployment on Render: Using a Docker container. (If not responding, give it a moment for render to initialize...)
Secure login and registration system using Json Web Token for a personalized user experience. Custom notifications for login, logout and register events using React Hot Toast.
Users can create multiple boards, each representing a different project or category. Lists and cards within these boards can be easily managed.
Intuitive drag and drop functionality to move cards through and between lists.
API endpoints documented using Swagger.
End to end testing done with Cypress to test a basic user workflow of login --> board create --> navigate to board --> create lists --> create cards.
- React - The web framework used
- Express - Backend framework
- MongoDB - Database
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- SASS - For styling
- React Beautiful DnD - Drag-and-drop functionality
- Cypress - End-to-end testing
- Alejandro Sanchez - AxelothLeohryn
Thank you for taking a look at my project ❤️! Feel free to contribute or suggest improvements. I will continue updating the project to add features and refine functionality, mostly as a learning experience.