Single header program written only using C++
libpng-dev and libjpeg-dev
libx11-dev if you get X11lib.h error
xQuartz for any MacOS newer than Mountain Lion
ImageMagick on machines running *nix
On Linux, it only works with xorg installed
I have absolutely no idea how to make this work on Windows, maybe when I install it one day I'll try but you are free to attempt to
Please edit Makefile accordingly if you did not install xQuartz on Mac through homebrew
$ make
$ ./rez -i test.png -h 480 -w 640 -o testnew.png
$ ./rez -i test.jpg -s 0.3 -o testnew.jpg
$ ./rez -i test.png -s 0.5 -c 1 -o testnew.png