This course emphasises skill development, such as critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, and quantitative reasoning; these transferrable skills are essential to success in not just chemistry but also in other courses and many occupations.
Course prerequisite
- C1-SCH4U Grade12U Chemistry
- C2-MHF4U Grade12U Advanced Functions
- C3-MCV4U Grade12U Calculus & Vectors
[Note: Mathematics 0110A/B or 0105A/B, is strongly recommended.]
Course Content
- P1-Textbook(Publisher/Year)
- P2-Solution Mannual(Publisher/Year)
- P3-Lecture Handout(Self Prepared for Publisher/Year)
- P4-Project Plan(Self Prepare)
- P5-Unit Test Review Question(Publisher/Year)
- P6-Exam Review Question(Publisher/Year)
The courses enlisted as follows:
- M1-Gases
- M2-Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
- M3-Chemical Equilibria
- M4-Solubility
- M5-Weak Acids and Bases
- M6-Electrochemistry
- M7-Chemical Kinetics
University Enrolled : University of Western Ontario
Main Instructor:
- Section Instructor - Dr. Jamie Noel
- Section Instructor - Dr. Yang Song
- Section Instructor - Dr. Dr. Christina Booker*
- Section Instructor - Dr. Dr. Francois Lagugne-Labarthet
- Lab Coordinator - M. Naeem Shahidf
- Chemistry 1302A/B Course Workbook, 24-25 Edition
- Chemistry 1302A/B Laboratory Manual and Past Exams, 2024-25 edition
Add-on Resources:
- Scientific Calculator
- Lab Coat & Safety Glasses
- Web-Enabled Device
- Course material will be posted to OWL:Course Link