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A 3D dice simulator built on Three.js, utilizing Cannon.js as the physics engine, allowing users to control the number of the dices.


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  • Last Modified: 2025-02-16
  • Author: Phill Weston


A 3D dice simulator built on Three.js, utilizing Cannon.js as the physics engine, allowing users to control the number of the dices. This dice game is the first game developed by ChubGame.

Now you can find a live version at here.


  • Built with Vite and Three.js: Ensures fast development and smooth performance for an immersive experience.
  • Cannon.js Physics Engine: Provides realistic scene simulations for accurate dice interactions.
  • Advanced Lighting and Shadow System: Creates beautifully rendered scenes with dynamic lighting effects.
  • Variable Dice Quantity: Allows users to customize the number of dice, catering to diverse gameplay needs.
  • Randomized Initial Dice Positioning: Enhances realism by randomizing starting positions, resulting in more authentic outcomes.
  • Display Dice Roll Results: Shows the sum of the dice roll results, providing users with instant feedback.

How to Play the Game

Parent User

  1. Connect to the wallet first.
  2. After connecting, clicks the "Play Now" button of the Dice Game to start the game, then the game page will be popped up.
  3. Click "Skip" button of the "Promotion Code" dialog to skip the promotion code. (Parent user doesn't need to input the promotion code)
  4. Select the pre-defined chip amount or input the custom chip amount, then press the "Start" button to start the game.
  5. Click "+" or "-" button to increase or decrease the number of dices, then press the "Roll" button to roll the dices, then the dices will be rolled, after the dices stop rolling, the total points will be displayed.
  6. Click "Generate" button of the "Total Points" dialog to generate the promotion code, then the user data will be sent to the wordpress server. We will automatically deduct the chip amount from the parent user's wallet.
  7. If the parent user's total dice points are greater than the child user, we will firstly deduct the 0.5% for the service charge, then the parent user will get both the parent user's and the child user's chip amount. Otherwise, the parent user will lose the chip amount.

Child User

  1. Connect to the wallet first.
  2. After connecting, clicks the "Play Now" button of the Dice Game to start the game, then the game page will be popped up.
  3. Input the promotion code, then press the "Submit" button to submit the promotion code.
  4. Select the pre-defined chip amount or input the custom chip amount, then press the "Start" button to start the game.
  5. Click "+" or "-" button to increase or decrease the number of dices, then press the "Roll" button to roll the dices, then the dices will be rolled, after the dices stop rolling, the total points will be displayed.
  6. Click "Save" button of the "Total Points" dialog to save the user data to the wordpress server. We will automatically deduct the chip amount from the child user's wallet.
  7. If the child user's total dice points are greater than the parent user, we will firstly deduct the 0.5% for the service charge, then the child user will get both the parent user's and the child user's chip amount. Otherwise, the child user will lose the chip amount.


Clone the repository

git clone

Install packages

npm i

Start the app

npm run dev

Environment Variables

Variable Name Description Default Value
VITE_DEBUG_MODE Enable API debug mode true
VITE_VALIDATE_PROMOTION_CODE_API API endpoint to validate promotion code
VITE_SEND_DICE_DATA_API API endpoint to send dice data
VITE_CHECK_BALANCE_API API Endpoint to check the user balance
VITE_MAX_DICE_AMOUNT Maximum number of dice allowed 10
VITE_MAX_DICE_AMOUNT Maximum number of dice allowed 10
VITE_MIN_CHIPS_AMOUNT Minimum number of chips allowed 1
VITE_MAX_CHIPS_AMOUNT Maximum number of chips allowed 100
VITE_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY CloudFlare Turnstile site key 6Lc2Qb4cAAAAAAB9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9Z9
VITE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID OAuth client ID 1234567890
VITE_OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET OAuth client Secret 1234567890

Game Logic

Parent User Sequence Diagram

    participant Parent as Parent User
    participant WP as WordPress Database
    participant Dice as Dice Game Logic

    Parent->>WP: Register with Promotion Code
    WP->>Dice: Store Promotion Code as Parent
    Dice->>WP: Save Parent User and Chips Info
    Parent->>Dice: Trigger Dice Game (Win/Loss)
    Dice->>WP: Update Parent Points (Win/Loss)
    Dice->>WP: Check Promotion Code for Validity
    WP->>Dice: Validate Promotion Code
    Dice->>Parent: Notify Promotion Code Valid
    Dice->>Parent: Adjust Points and Chips Based on Game Result

Child User Sequence Diagram:

    participant Child as Child User
    participant WP as WordPress Database
    participant Dice as Dice Game Logic

    Child->>WP: Send Promotion Code and Username
    WP->>Dice: Validate Promotion Code
    Dice->>WP: Check Promotion Code Validity
    WP->>Dice: Return Promotion Code Validity
    Dice->>Child: Notify Promotion Code Validity
    Child->>Dice: Trigger Dice Game (Win/Loss)
    Dice->>WP: Update Child Points (Win/Loss)
    Dice->>Child: Adjust Points and Chips Based on Game Result

PvE Single Player Sequence Diagram

    participant Player as Single Player
    participant WP as WordPress Database
    participant Dice as Dice Game Logic

    Player->>Dice: Start PvE Game
    Dice->>Dice: Generate Random Win/Loss
    alt Player Wins
        Dice->>WP: Add Double Chips to Player Balance
        Dice->>Player: Notify Win and Update Balance
    else Player Loses
        Dice->>WP: Deduct Chips from Player Balance
        Dice->>Player: Notify Loss and Update Balance

WordPress API Endpoints

Flowchart for the Validate Promotion Code

Promotion Code Verification for Child User:

    participant User
    participant API
    participant Database

    User->>API: Send POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/validate <br> with promotionCode and username
    API->>Database: Query dice_data table for promotionCode and is_promotion_user = 1
    Database->>API: Return promotion code record (valid or not)
    alt Promotion code is valid
        API->>Database: Check if promotion code has already been used
        Database->>API: Return usage status
        alt Promotion code not used
            API->>Database: Associate parent and child users
            API->>User: Return response with valid status and parent dice amount
        else Promotion code used
            API->>User: Return error response (promotion code already used)
    else Promotion code invalid
        API->>User: Return error response (invalid promotion code)

Flowchart for the Send Dice Data

Parent User Sequence Diagram:

    participant Parent as Parent User
    participant API
    participant Database

    Parent->>API: Send POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/send <br> with diceAmount, totalPoints, promotionCode, isPromotionUser, username, chips
    API->>Database: Validate user and parameters
    alt Parameters valid
        alt Promotion code is empty and isPromotionUser is false (PvE mode)
            API->>API: Generate random win/loss
            alt User wins
                API->>Database: Add double chips to user balance
                API->>Database: Log dice data for win
                API->>Parent: Return success response with updated balance and result
            else User loses
                API->>Database: Deduct chips from user balance
                API->>Database: Log dice data for loss
                API->>Parent: Return success response with updated balance and result
        else Promotion code is not empty and isPromotionUser is true (PvP mode)
            API->>Database: Generate promotion code if empty
            API->>Database: Check if promotion code has already been used
            alt Promotion code not used
                API->>Database: Deduct chips from parent user
                API->>Database: Log dice data for parent
                API->>Parent: Return success response with updated balance and promotion code
            else Promotion code used
                API->>Parent: Return error response (promotion code already used)
    else Parameters invalid
        API->>Parent: Return error response (missing or invalid parameters)

Child User Sequence Diagram:

    participant Child as Child User
    participant API
    participant Database

    Child->>API: Send POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/send <br> with diceAmount, totalPoints, promotionCode, isPromotionUser, username, chips
    API->>Database: Validate user and parameters
    alt Parameters valid
        API->>Database: Find parent by promotion code
        alt Parent found
            API->>Database: Check child balance
            alt Child balance sufficient
                API->>Database: Deduct chips from child user
                API->>Database: Determine winner and distribute chips
                API->>Database: Log dice data for child and parent
                API->>Child: Return success response with updated balance and result
            else Child balance insufficient
                API->>Database: Refund parent
                API->>Child: Return error response (insufficient balance)
        else Parent not found
            API->>Child: Return error response (invalid promotion code or parent not found)
    else Parameters invalid
        API->>Child: Return error response (missing or invalid parameters)

PvE Single Player Sequence Diagram:

    participant Player as Single Player
    participant API
    participant Database

    Player->>API: Send POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/send <br> with diceAmount, totalPoints, promotionCode (empty), isPromotionUser (false), username, chips
    API->>Database: Validate user and parameters
    alt Parameters valid
        API->>API: Generate random win/loss
        alt Player wins
            API->>Database: Add double chips to player balance
            API->>Database: Log dice data for win
            API->>Player: Return success response with updated balance and result
        else Player loses
            API->>Database: Deduct chips from player balance
            API->>Database: Log dice data for loss
            API->>Player: Return success response with updated balance and result
    else Parameters invalid
        API->>Player: Return error response (missing or invalid parameters)

Promotion Code Validation API

Validates a promotion code and associates the parent user with the promotion code.


POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/validate


  • promotionCode (string): The promotion code to validate.
  • username (string): The username of the child user.



    "code": 200,
    "message": "Promotion code is valid and successfully applied.",
    "data": {
        "status": "success",
        "valid": true,
        "parent_user_id": 123,
        "parent_dice_amount": 5


    "code": 400,
    "message": "Invalid promotion code",
    "data": {
        "status": "invalid_promotion_code"

Balance Validation API

Checks if the user has sufficient balance for the specified chips.


POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/check-balance


  • username (string): The username of the user.
  • chips (int): The number of chips to check.



    "code": 200,
    "message": "Balance is sufficient for current user",
    "data": {
        "status": "success",
        "balance": 1000


    "code": 400,
    "message": "Insufficient balance for parent user",
    "data": {
        "status": "insufficient_balance",
        "balance": 500

Dice Data and Manage Chips API

Handles the dice game data and manages the chips for parent and child users.


POST /wp-json/chubgame/v1/send


  • diceAmount (int): The amount of dice rolled.
  • totalPoints (int): The total points scored.
  • promotionCode (string): Optional: The promotion code used, if empty, then the user is in the PvE mode.
  • isPromotionUser (bool): Indicates if the user is a promotion user.
  • username (string): The username of the user.
  • chips (int): The number of chips of the current user.



    "code": 200,
    "message": "Game processed successfully",
    "data": {
        "status": "success",
        "balance": 1000,
        "result": 100,
        "promotion_code": "DEBUGCODE1234567"


    "code": 400,
    "message": "This promotion code has already been used",
    "data": {
        "status": "promotion_used"


  • Basic 3D dice simulator
  • Send the current dice number to the server using HTTP POST
  • Add the promotion code feature
  • Add the chip amount feature
  • Add the PvP and PvE mode


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


A 3D dice simulator built on Three.js, utilizing Cannon.js as the physics engine, allowing users to control the number of the dices.







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