Snippets of Forth code, mainly for Atari 8-bit and its APX Extended Fig-Forth by Patrick Mullarky. Source and possible issues with the code are mentioned in the comments. Work in progress is usually in the "drafts" folder. Recommended method of using: paste code into Altirra and test. In some cases code is suited for storage on "screens" and it has to be put on the floppy / ATR by using the FIG editor commands.
- -EXE.4TH - EXECUTE conditionally (by myself)
- ANON.4TH - anonymous variables (by Leonard Morgenstern, FDv06n1)
- APX-4TH-EXT.4TH - extensions for APX Forth to make it more friendly to study Forth (by myself but combining multiple tools by others, see comments)
- ARGRES.4TH - simple local variables (by Marc Perkel, FDv03n6)
- ATARI-CONCEPTS.TXT - probable Atari Coin-Op department's documentation for dev tools using Forth (from "figasm, f69asm, computype master.atr", originally present at: "")
- BREAKPOINTS.4TH - breakpoints (BREAK & GO) by Frank Seuberling and Kim Harris, published in FDv05n1 - in an article signed by Leo Brodie
- CASEINSENS.4TH - making APX Forth case insensitive (extracted from pns-Forth)
- CLASSES-CRUDE.4TH - a primitive class-like mechanism (by myself)
- CO.4TH - a simple "coroutine" mechanism (described in multiple places, see the file for details)
- COMPENT-XLIST.4TH - compiled comments (by myself)
- DEFER-IS.4TH - example of deferred words (vectored execution), based on Henry Laxen's code published in FDv05n6p35
- DISASM - ...
- EDIT.4TH - very nice screen editor (by Mike Dougherty, published in the Micro Magazine nr __)
- EDIT-BG.4TH - a simple screen editor (by myself)
- ESCAPE.4TH - graphical demo (ported by John Mattes
- INCLUDE.4TH - experimental and useless conditional load in APX Forth
- LOCALS.4TH - most primitive local variables (by myself)
- PANTOLA-TA.4TH - FORTH-EDYTOR by Roland Pantoła (together with EDYTOR WPROWADZANIA and very slightly tuned Ragsdale Assembler)
- RECOLON.4TH - redefine colon words (by EHS, FDv06n3)
- SPACE-FORTH.4TH - words found on the Space Forth floppy (missing from the later APX)
- MUGWUMP.4TH - a game with some graphics (1974 Basic game from PCC, ported into Forth by myself)
- Mugwump-240816.atr - the above, bootable
- UNBUG - a HUGE, mostly tested ans stable set of debugging words and ideas for APX Forth, includes (details and copyright inside the file):
- previously mentioned CASEINSENS.4TH,
- slightly modified Fig Editor with extensions (not always stable)
- SEARCH to search through screens for a string
- OUTLINE for outline of screens
- .BUFS to show buffers
- .CC to show CURRENT and CONTEXT
- S0, R0, .S, RP@, CALL
- .EVAR to see user variables and system constants
- R.N to show return stack (needs testing and probably fixing)
- BREAK and GO for breakpoints (yeah!)
- augmented trace (UNRAVEL) for stack trace
- interpret compile-only words
- examples how to change APX prompt
- BASE changing frame colors
- GOESINTO decompiler
- ZAP to replace a word (it is bad, use RECOLON instead)
- some additional links and ideas to enhance the file
- WHERE-USED.4TH - find all the words which refer to a given word (by Nicholas L. Pappas, FDv03n1)
- CHECKSUM.4TH (still broken)
- COREWARS-DRAFT.4TH (early idea)
- DB.4TH
- DISASM.4TH (by John Mattes, ANTIC 3/84 & 4/84)
- FN-TCHAK.4TH - words to cooperate with FujiNet, also some string handling (by Thom Cherryhomes)
- FP.4TH - floating point words
- LNKDLIST.4TH - still unstable
- MESSAGE.4TH - static messages (no disc access)
- NAMESPACES.4TH - early idea, won't work
- SERTTRADE.4TH - still broken, words to reorganize screens
- WORD-HIDING.4TH (still broken)