A set of ag-grid components which can handle filtering , rendering & editing with focus on scalar types.
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IE11, Edge | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions | last 2 versions |
Note : To support IE11 browser include the date-time-format-timezone polyfill
- π Installation
- π» How to use
- π‘ Components
- Value Formatting
Install it with npm or yarn
# with npm
$ npm install BasisHub/basis-aggrid-components
# with yarn
yarn add BasisHub/basis-aggrid-components
Include the bundled version
<!-- The full bundled version with all required deps-->
<script src="dist/basis-aggrid-components.bundle.min.js"></script>
Or the unbundled version
<link rel="stylesheet" href="flatpickr/dist/themes/dark.css">
<script src="flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.js"></script>
<script src="bbj-masks/dist/bbj-masks.js"></script>
<script src="basis-input-masking/dist/basis-input-masking.js"></script>
<script src="dist/basis-aggrid-components.bundle.js"></script>
Then in your ag grid config object register the component then reference it from your columns definition
const gridOptions = {
columnDefs: [
headerName: 'Booleans',
field: 'booleans',
cellRenderer: 'BooleansRenderer',
cellRendererParams: {
cellEditor: 'BooleanEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
filter: 'BooleanFilter',
filterParams: {
components: {
BooleansRenderer: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanRenderer,
BooleanEditor: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanEditor,
BooleanFilter: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanFilter,
Every component can search for its options in several places in the following order
- params : This the object which ag-grid passes to renderer , filters and editors
- params.colDef
- params.context.AGridComponentsMetaConfig[COLUMN_ID]
- params.context.meta[COLUMN_ID]
- params.context
- If none found we use the default fallback
For example you can define the config of your dates column in the context like this
const gridOptions = {
context: {
dates: {
dateTimeZone: 'Europe/Berlin'
filterOptions: ['greaterThan' ,'inRange']
columnDefs: [
headerName: 'Dates Column',
field: 'dates',
filter: 'DateTimeFilter'
components: {
DateTimeFilter: Basis.AgGridComponents.DateTimeFilter,
Option | Description | Default |
booleanTrueRenderValue | switch | The option controls how to render true values. switch is a special value used to render true values as a switch component |
booleanFalseRenderValue | switch | The option controls how to render false values. switch is a special value used to render true values as a switch component |
booleanTrueValue[] | true | The options describes what is considered true |
booleanFalseValue[] | false | The options describes what is considered false |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ booleans: true, booleanAsHTML: true, booleansMixed: 'yes' },
{ booleans: false, booleanAsHTML: false, booleansMixed: 'no' },
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'booleans', type: ['common','booleans'] },
{ field: 'booleansAsHTML', type: ['common','booleansAsHTML'] },
{ field: 'booleansMixed', type: ['common' , 'booleansMixed'] },
columnTypes: {
common: {
cellRenderer: 'BooleansRenderer',
booleans: {
cellRendererParams: {
booleanTrueRenderValue: 'switch;',
booleanFalseRenderValue: 'switch',
booleansAsHTML: {
cellRendererParams: {
booleanTrueRenderValue: '✔',
booleanFalseRenderValue: '✘',
booleansMixed: {
cellRendererParams: {
booleanTrueRenderValue: '✔',
booleanFalseRenderValue: '✘',
booleanTrueValue: ['yes' , true],
booleanTrueValue: ['no' , false]
components: {
BooleansRenderer: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanRenderer,
Option | Description | Default |
booleanUsedTrueValue | undefined | the value to use when the filter displays the true state . in case it is undefined then we use the first item in booleanTrueValue[] |
booleanUsedFalseValue | undefined | the value to use when the filter displays the false state. in case it is undefined then we use the first item in booleanFalseValue[] |
booleanTrueValue[] | true | The options describes what is considered true |
booleanFalseValue[] | false | The options describes what is considered false |
clearButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use a Clear button. The Clear button will clear the (form) details of the filter without removing any active filters on the column. |
applyButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use an Apply button. If the Apply button is present, then the filter is only applied after the user hits the Apply button. |
resetButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use a Reset button. The Reset button will clear the details of the filter and any active filters on that column. |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ booleans: true, booleanAsHTML: true, booleansMixed: 'yes' },
{ booleans: false, booleanAsHTML: false, booleansMixed: 'no' },
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'booleans', type: ['common'] },
{ field: 'booleansAsHTML', type: ['common'] },
{ field: 'booleansMixed', type: ['common' , 'booleansMixed'] },
columnTypes: {
common: {
filter: 'BooleanFilter'
booleansMixed: {
cellFilterParams: {
booleanTrueValue: ['yes' , true],
booleanTrueValue: ['no' , false],
booleanUsedTrueValue: 'yes',
booleanUsedFalseValue: 'no',
components: {
BooleanFilter: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanFilter,
Option | Description | Default |
booleanUsedTrueValue | undefined | the value to use when the filter displays the true state . in case it is undefined then we use the first item in booleanTrueValue[] |
booleanUsedFalseValue | undefined | the value to use when the filter displays the false state. in case it is undefined then we use the first item in booleanFalseValue[] |
booleanTrueValue[] | true | The options describes what is considered true |
booleanFalseValue[] | false | The options describes what is considered false |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ booleans: true, booleanAsHTML: true, booleansMixed: 'yes' },
{ booleans: false, booleanAsHTML: false, booleansMixed: 'no' },
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'booleans', type: ['common'] },
{ field: 'booleansAsHTML', type: ['common'] },
{ field: 'booleansMixed', type: ['common' , 'booleansMixed'] },
columnTypes: {
common: {
filter: 'BooleanEditor'
booleansMixed: {
cellEditorParams: {
booleanTrueValue: ['yes' , true],
booleanTrueValue: ['no' , false],
booleanUsedTrueValue: 'yes',
booleanUsedFalseValue: 'no',
components: {
BooleansRenderer: Basis.AgGridComponents.BooleanEditor,
Option | Description | Default |
numberMinValue | undefined | min allowed value |
numberMaxValue | undefined | max allowed value |
numberStepValue | undefined | number of step by increment or decrement |
numberMask | undefined | a bbj number mask to validate the number against |
numberGroupingSeparator | , | a char which will be used as a grouping separator. The options is used only when numberMask is defined |
numberDecimalSeparator | . | a char which will be used as a decimal separator. The options is used only when numberMask is defined |
numberForceTrailingZeros | false | Affects the output by switching the way a mask with "#" characters in the trailing positions is filled. for example, the function NumberMask.mask(.10:"#.##") returns .10 instead of .1 . The options is used only when numberMask is defined |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [{ numbers: 10 }],
columnDefs: [
field: 'numbers',
cellEditor: 'NumberEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
numberMinValue: 10,
numberMaxValue: 100,
numberStepValue: 10,
components: {
NumberEditor: Basis.AgGridComponents.NumberEditor,
Name | Default | Description |
textPattern | undefined | A regular expression that the input's value must match in order for the value to pass constraint validation |
textRequired | undefined | Boolean. A value is required to consider the input valid |
textMask | undefined | A bbj string mask to validate the value |
textTitle | null | The input title , when null and the textMask options is defined , then we use the mask as title , when set to default we the browser's default title , other wise the value defined in this option |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [{ text: '01/2015' }],
columnDefs: [
field: 'text',
cellEditor: 'TextEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
textMask: '00/0000',
textRequired: true,
textPattern: '((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))\/((2009)|(20[1-2][0-9]))'
components: {
TextEditor: Basis.AgGridComponents.TextEditor,
Option | Description | Default |
imageRendererWidth | 28px | Image width |
imageRendererHeight | 28px | Image height |
imageRendererList | {} | A list of which maps images with cell values as JSON or plain JS object |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ logo: 'basis' },
{ logo: 'ag-grid' },
columnDefs: [
field: 'logo',
cellRenderer: 'ImageRenderer',
cellRendererParams: {
imageRendererList: {
'basis': 'basis.png',
'ag-grid': 'ag-grid.png',
imageRendererWidth: '30px',
imageRendererHeight: '30px',
components: {
ImageRenderer: Basis.AgGridComponents.ImageRenderer,
Option | Description | Default |
renderTemplate | undefined | lodash template |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [{ customHTML: 'string' }],
columnDefs: [
field: 'customHTML',
cellRenderer: 'TemplateRenderer',
cellRendererParams: {
renderTemplate: `<% print ('<div class="customHTMLDiv">' + "new-"+params.value + '</div>') %>`,
components: {
TemplateRenderer: Basis.AgGridComponents.TemplateRenderer,
Option | Description | Default |
dateTimeEnableTime | false | Enable / disable time |
dateTimeEnable24HR | false | Enable / disable time 24 format |
dateTimeEnableSeconds | false | Enable / disable seconds management |
dateTimeEnableCalendar | false | Enable / disable Calendar. |
dateTimeMask | false | The mask used to format the selected date (BBj Mask) |
dateTimeMax | undefined | Max allowed date |
dateTimeMin | undefined | Min allowed date |
dateTimeFormatter | undefined | A function or expression to format the date |
dateTimeLocale | System default | A locale to use for date formatting |
dateTimeDefaultHour | 12 | Initial value of the hour element. |
dateTimeDefaultMinute | 0 | Initial value of the minute element. |
dateTimeDisableMobile | false | Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker. |
dateTimeEnableWeekNumber | true | Enables display of week numbers in calendar. |
filterOptions | Equals, Greater Than, Less Than, Not Equals, In Range. | What Filter Options to present to the user. |
defaultOption | Equals | The default Filter Options to be selected. |
suppressAndOrCondition | false | If true, the filter will only offer Condition 1. |
inRangeInclusive | false | If true then doing 'inRange' filter option will include values equal to the start and end of the range. |
clearButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use a Clear button. The Clear button will clear the (form) details of the filter without removing any active filters on the column. |
resetButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use a Reset button. The Reset button will clear the details of the filter and any active filters on that column. |
applyButton | false | Set to true to have the filter use an Apply button. If the Apply button is present, then the filter is only applied after the user hits the Apply button. |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ timestamps: '2020-01-01T12:00:00Z' },
{ dates: '2020-01-02Z' },
{ times: '12:00:00Z' },
columnDefs: [
field: 'timestamps',
filter: 'DateTimeFilter',
filterParams: {
dateTimeZone: 'Europe/Berlin',
filterOptions: ['greaterThan', 'inRange'],
applyButton: true,
field: 'dates',
filter: 'DateTimeFilter',
filterParams: {
dateTimeEnableTime: false,
field: 'times',
filter: 'DateTimeFilter',
filterParams: {
dateTimeEnableCalendar: false,
dateTimeEnable24HR: true,
components: {
DateTimeFilter: Basis.AgGridComponents.DateTimeFilter,
Option | Description | Default |
dateTimeEnableTime | false | Enable / disable time |
dateTimeEnable24HR | false | Enable / disable time 24 format |
dateTimeEnableSeconds | false | Enable / disable seconds management |
dateTimeEnableCalendar | false | Enable / disable Calendar. |
dateTimeMask | false | The mask used to format the selected date (BBj Mask) |
dateTimeMax | undefined | Max allowed date |
dateTimeMin | undefined | Min allowed date |
dateTimeFormatter | undefined | A function or expression to format the date |
dateTimeLocale | System default | A locale to use for date formatting |
dateTimeDefaultHour | 12 | Initial value of the hour element. |
dateTimeDefaultMinute | 0 | Initial value of the minute element. |
dateTimeDisableMobile | false | Set disableMobile to true to always use the non-native picker. |
dateTimeEnableWeekNumber | true | Enables display of week numbers in calendar. |
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ timestamps: '2020-01-01T12:00:00Z' },
{ dates: '2020-01-02Z' },
{ times: '12:00:00Z' },
columnDefs: [
field: 'timestamps',
cellEditor: 'DateTimeEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
dateTimeZone: 'Europe/Berlin',
field: 'dates',
cellEditor: 'DateTimeEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
dateTimeEnableTime: false,
field: 'times',
cellEditor: 'DateTimeEditor',
cellEditorParams: {
dateTimeEnableCalendar: false,
dateTimeEnable24HR: true,
components: {
DateTimeEditor: Basis.AgGridComponents.DateTimeEditor,
Basis AgGrid Components depends on bbj-masks to do the internal formatting
bbj-masks is a tiny JavaScript library to format Dates , Numbers & Strings using BBj supported masks.
const gridOptions = {
rowData: [
{ timestamps: '2018-02-15T14:01:06Z'},
{ numbers: -5000.123456789 },
{ strings: 'abcdefg' },
columnDefs: [
field: 'timestamps',
valueFormatter: params => {
return BBj.Masks.Types.date(
'%Y/%Mz/%Dz %Hz:%mz:%sz',
}, // -> $ -5,000.123457
field: 'numbers',
valueFormatter: params => {
return BBj.Masks.Types.number(
'$ -#,##0.######'
}, // -> 18 - 02 - 15
field: 'strings',
valueFormatter: params => {
return BBj.Masks.Types.string(
}, // -> ab-cde-fg
Licensed under the MIT License.