This is the API that clients should hit (rather than the h2o model model directly).
Java 8
TODO(not required yet): Run the h2o model service.
The model currently only returns dummy data.
Run the following in the root of the project:
./gradlew bootRun
Do ctrl+c
in the command line window where this server is running.
- carpark: name of the car park in Bath.
- time04Day: time of the day in 24h format.
- weekday: week day counting from Sunday as 1.
- weekNumber: number of the week in the year.
- rugby: whether a rugby match is happening in Bath that day or not.
- rugbyHomeWin: whether the Bath rugby team won the match or not.
- cityEvents: the number of events happening in Bath that day.
- weather: weather on that day. This splits into the following four;
- rain: whether there is rain or not.
- fog: whether there is a fog or not.
- snow: whether there is snow or not.
- precipitation: precipitation in millimeters.
- prediction: predicted parking availability of the selected car park.
- bucket: predicted probability in bins of 10%, total of 11 bins (0-10% up to 100-110%).
- probabilities: probability of each bin likely to be true.
- carparkDetails: details of the selected car park.
- postCode: post code of the selected car park.
- capacity: total capacity of the selected car park.