Iubus (from the latin word iubere - "to command, to order") is a simple, barebones framework on top of discord.js for easily dealing with slash commands.
The documentation/guide for the framework is contained in the GitHub Wiki, but here's a quickstart example:
In your entry file:
import { IubusClient } from "iubus";
const client = new IubusClient({
intents: /* ... */,
dirs: {
commands: "./dist/commands",
events: "./dist/events",
deploy: {
token: "YOUR_TOKEN",
applicationId: "YOUR_APPLICATION_ID",
guildId: "YOUR_GUILD_ID", // will be ignored if deployGlobally is set to true
deployGlobally: true, // defaults to false
deployOnChange: true, // re-deploy commands whenever Iubus detects a change in the command data
Then, inside a command file (somewhere in dirs.commands
import { ApplicationCommandOptionType, ChatInputCommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { ChatInputCommand } from "iubus";
export default new ChatInputCommand({
name: "echo",
description: "Echo back your text",
options: {
type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.String,
name: "text",
description: "The text to echo back",
required: true,
run(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction) {
const text = interaction.getString("text", true);
interaction.reply({ content: text });
This library is mostly a passion project I created for myself, but at the same time I do hope others will find use in this. This is the first npm package I've published, so any constructive feedback, criticism, or contribution in form of an issue or pull request would be greatly appreciated :)