In this repository you can find:
- Technical vocabulary
- Python script to generate vocabulary test
- Ressources to learn engineering Japanese
- Vocabulary lists
- Python script to generate
- Flask application
All the materials are based on my experience and readings, and so are incomplete and probably comport errors. Feel free to add your own ressources and correction :)
Python script that generate vocabulary test based on the vocaulary list. Usage:
python generatePDF --topic --mode
The following example was obtained with :
python MachineLearning 4
Available mode are 0: noblank | 1: Kanji test | 2: reading test | 3: translation test | 4: random test
- pandas / numpy / pdf_repport Special note for pdf_repport, it needs cairolib, which is not so easy to install on Windows. Here is the tutorial I used.
You can generate vocabulary test with your own files. Be sure to populate the xls_files with xls file with compatible kanji format and heard as kanji | hiragana | english.
Please print the tests the more efficiently way as possible. I recommend: Mutliple page: 2 by 1 / Landscape / both sides of paper.
If you have any interresting ressources please share it with me !
- トコトン やさしい: my personnal favorite to learn! Proposing lot of domains, the format of 1 explaination page / 1 illustration page make it easy to understand, and organize your study (like 2 pages a day). The content is maded for Middle/High Schoold Student. HERE is an amazone link but don't forget to check out your school or local library mine have the full collection for free :)
- NHK website: allows you to search with keywords, and select the size of the articles. HERE is the result for A.I without size constraint, a lot of article !!
- TeamAI podcast: are a great to get use to follow AI related topics. The format is around 20min, and kind of business oriented.
- Youtube channels: Tokyo university class (HERE) or this guy AI related explaination are good to train but hard to follow (at least for me) ;)