The bread and butter of this repo are two files: JSON 2 CSV_API Script and GPX_API Script.
Both files are python scripts originally designed to scrape data about whale sightings from APIs built by
The documentation from on using those APIs is the file titled "Conserve.IO API Documentation.txt"
The documentation can also be found here:
You need the python library "requests" installed.
You can install requests by running "pip install requests" in your terminal.
(As shown here:
If you do not have pip installed, you can download the latest python release, which comes with pip, here:
Download the scripts individually into a specific directory or clone the repo into a local directory on your machine.
Navigate to that directory in your local machine's terminal and run "python [FILE NAME OF SCRIPT]".
Note: May need to include python3. Example:
cd /Users/morgan/github/ws-scraping-scripts
python3 GPX_API\
python3 JSON\ 2\ CSV_API\
Follow the user prompts, using your API documentation for guidance.
Any files you write will be saved to the same directory where your scripts are saved locally.
A few of the APIs require a bounding box (BBOX) parameter.
Here is a website that helps you find exact longitude and latitude bounding box values: