New plan for the Project:
- Properly document everything in the project, probably in Markdown, possible spread over multiple files.
- Cleanup the root folder, remove the old folders (move into a branch), and create a new folder structure
- Keep Branches of the architectures tried in python
- Keep a readme why the architecture was tried and what the results were
- Make a list of all remaining tasks
- Actually time the executions of the different parts of the project in code (decorator?)
- Then start by moving the current project to a py/ folder and start the new project in a cpp/ folder
- Move settings into games folders? In src.settings just import the settings from the games?
DONE something About the current implementation is wrong if it doesnt even learn tictactoe DONE evaluate against a database of "pro-Moves" !!! High prio
DONE continue to save all These logs which are now produced
DONE log everything to tensorboard, also stuff like the Timings, game gen times, generated games, generated samples etc DONE time more of the entire project DONE build in the reuse of the search trees for the next Iteration DONE document that
DONE build up a database of pro-Moves for Chess automatically DONE Train on that for a baseline Policy and value accuracy
[18.53.33] [INFO] Validation stats: Policy Loss: 1.8125, Value Loss: 0.6758, Total Loss: 2.4844 Epoch 1/1 done: Policy Loss: 1.8466, Value Loss: 0.7082, Total Loss: 2.5548 Evaluation results at iteration 8: Policy accuracy @1: 43.42% Policy accuracy @5: 82.51% Policy accuracy @10: 92.10% Avg value loss: 0.7229457942768931 Training with lr: 0.02151582968791256 Training batches: 100%|█████████▉| 29570/29571 [12:51<00:00, 38.31it/s] Value mean: -0.002927398681640625 Value std: 0.3470703125
Which seems reasonable given:
- Not really improving at all... why?
- GPU usage < 40%
- 70% Cache hits, but the search tree reuse does not seem to work
- Faster MCTS search would help
- More self players not possible, since the Cache size cannot fit into memory
- Centralized Inference server and faster Search both possible in C++
- Trainer usage drops to zero while loading the next batch
- Loader thread which loads the next batch while the trainer is still training, possible in C++, also possible in python? prefetch_factor in DataLoader?
DONE faster board hashes - Zobrist Hashing
DONE completely remove asyncio from the project DONE document the asyncio test
Baseline performance: Two GPUs were exclusively used for selfplay game generation and one GPU was used both for game generation and updating the neural network as soon as sufficiently many samples have been acquired. On a single GPU about 45 games were generated per minute which corresponded to 1,000 training samples per minute. Each training sample was produced by an average of 800 MCTS rollouts with a batch-size of 8.
Not all of the game moves were exported as training samples and exported as further described in Section 5.2.1. A new neural network was generated every 819,200 (= 640 · 128 · 10) newly generated samples. After the 10th model update, the number of required samples was increased to 1,228,800 (= 640 · 128 · 15) samples. 81,920 (= 640 · 128) of these samples were used for validation and the rest for training. Furthermore, 409,600 (= 640 · 128 · 5) samples were added and randomly chosen from 5 % of the most recent replay memory data. The training proceeded for one epoch and afterwards, all samples, except validation samples, were added to the replay memory.
DONE fix the OOM issue
TODO Think about, training with the pretrained model or from scratch? Value seems stuck on my machine right now Another bug?
TODO I think too many positions are duplicated, i.e. searched again, that is why:
- the Cache hit rate is so high
- the model does not learn much (because it only sees a very limited set of positions)
- the gpu usage is low, because no more inference is performed, only hash calculations and Cache lookups
TODO C++ how to handle dependencies?
- libtorch
- xtensor
- json.hpp
Make the project really scalable and in C++
Translate the Games to C++
New architecture for the project
- Per GPU:
- Several threads for the self players - auto scaling?
- Each thread will have its own MCTS
- Each finished game will be written to a file - what format?
- A caching thread, which will recieve the requests from the MCTS in memory (hopefully fast), look for a cache hit, otherwise perform inference and notify the MCTS
- Create batches of games to send to the inference thread?
- A thread for the inference which only performs inference based on the in memory queue from the caching thread
- Write the entire batch results back to a queue as one result for the caching thread to redistribute
- Several threads for the self players - auto scaling?
- One thread for the trainer
- One thread for the dataloader for the trainer, which will read the files provide the data to the trainer
- A thread or some notification system to notify the Inference thread to update the model and the caching thread to update the cache and the self players to write the games to the file
- Per GPU:
Save in a custom format (binary) by writing out the shape, then the values in order in binary format
- Save a batch of games -> Write: [batch_size, *game_shape] followed by the games
- That way both c++ and python can read the files