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BeanStack Inventory Tracker

Keep track of your coffee inventory!

The front-end is still limited, with a second data table in the works with the following features:

  • Items index with comparative rows for each location's quantity
  • Move item and delete item functionality have been moved here, presumably as an 'admin' level feature.

Local Setup (Fork)

Ruby 3.0.3 & Rails 7.0.3

Install and Run

  1. Run bundle install to install all req'd gems
  2. Run bundle exec rails db:setup to create, migrate, and seed the db in one command
    • [Alternative] bundle exec rails db:setup is equivalent of the following (3) commands:
      • Run bundle exec rails db:create to start local database
      • Run bundle exec rails db:migrate to create database tables in the db
      • Run bundle exec rails db:seed to seet the tables with initial data
  3. Run bundle exec rails server -p 3001 to start server on localhost://3001

Tests - RSpec [WIP]

  1. Run bundle exec rspec to run all tests
    For specific tests by section:
    • Models bundle exec rspec spec/models
    • Requests (controller CRUD) bundle exec rspec spec/request

Front end - React and Material UI [WIP]

  1. npm run start to start front end React.js on localhost://3000
    • Limited functionality compared to backend API.

BeanStack API Features

  • Item CRUD
    • Create, Read, Update, and Delete inventory items
  • Location CRUD
    • Create warehouse locations
    • Assign new LocationItem inventory to specific locations
    • Shift existing LocationItem quantities between warehouse locations
  • Location Weather through external API

Notes and Assumptions

Location CRUD

  • Assumes new location starts with all possible inventory items set to quantity: 0 to allow for easily editable totals across locations.

  • Zip

    • Canadian zip codes use only the 3-character "outwards" codes.
    • US zip codes use only the 5-digit numerical codes.
  • Country

    • Use 2-character country codes such as CA for Canada or US for the United States.

Weather API

  • Opted not to use a Weather model for simplicities' sake. I'm not sure if this is convention when making a simple external API call. If more was required I would have kept the 'big model, little controller' philosophy.
  • The API updates the weather data on inital seed and when explicitly called. Next steps are to use jobs / caching to have the weather update every X minutes.

Move Item to/from Location

  • LocationItem controller uses self.update_loc_count method to move inventory from one location to another. Thinking through this method, I assumed parameters (value, from_id, to_id) would likely come from a front end.
  • I intend to validate item quantities to ensure parameter values and results are all poitive integers. Something along the lines of: validates :quantity, presence: true, numericality: { only_integer: true, greater_than_or_equal_to: 0 }, if: :update_loc_count

RSpec Tests

  • Initial testing includes basic model-level validations and controller CRUD req/res. More to come!
  • Opted for shoulda-matchers gem for simple initial testing. Allows one-line tests with more detailed errors.
    • it { should validate_presence_of(:name) } is equivalent to:
      it "should validate presence of name" do 
        coffee1 = 22, price: 12.99)
        expect(coffee1.valid?).to be false

DB Queries Quick Reference

Run bundle exec rails console

  • All items Item.all
  • All locations Location.all
  • All location items LocationItem.all
  • All items at a given location (example id: 10) LocationItem.where(location: 10)
  • Quantity of a given item at a given location (example location id: 1, item id: 3) LocationItem.where(location: 1, item: 3).select("location_quantity")
  • Move # quantity from location 1 to location 2, note from_id and to_id are LocationItem ids. LocationItem.update_loc_count(value, from_id, to_id)
  • Get location weather Location.where(id: 1).pluck("weather")[0]

/* ### BE Routes Quick Reference Append routes to after starting server bundle exec rails s For full detail run bundle exec rails routes
Nest form data within model params. For example, ?location[city]=Montville&location[zip]=07045 */


  • params: city, state (if applicable), country (two-letter code), and zip (3-character CA or 5-digit US, type:string)
  • Locations Index (root) GET/ or /api/v1/locations
  • Locations Create POST /api/v1/locations
  • Locations Show GET /api/v1/locations/:id
  • Locations Update PATCH / PUT /api/v1/locations/:id
  • Locations Destroy DELETE /api/v1/locations/:id

Locations Weather

  • Locations Weather GET api/v1/locations/:id/weather


  • params: name, vendor, price (type:decimal), description (type:text), category, user_id (default id:1)
    • note: quantity (set by total matchingLocationItems, only update through LocationItem)
  • Items Index (root) GET/ or /api/v1/items
  • Items Create POST /api/v1/items
  • Items Show GET /api/v1/items/:id
  • Items Update PATCH / PUT /api/v1/items/:id
  • Items Destroy DELETE /api/v1/items/:id


  • Nested routes within location. I thought it most useful to have a given locations items and quantities displayed as part of the location.
  • params: location_id, item_id, location_quantity (all quantity updates should be done here)
  • LocationItems Index GET /api/v1/locations/:location_id/location_items
  • LocationItems Create POST /api/v1/locations/:location_id/location_items
  • LocationItems Show GET /api/v1/locations/:location_id/location_items/:id
  • LocationItems Update PATCH / PUT /api/v1/locations/:location_id/location_items/:id
  • LocationItems Destroy DELETE /api/v1/locations/:location_id/location_items/:id

Move LocationItem From/To Location

  • Nested routes within location. I imagined selecting a LocationItem on the front end and inputting destination location and quantity.
    • both ids belong to the same 'type' of LocationItem (same, different
    • if no additional items have been added, the ids are seeded at gaps of 25. For example, LocationItem(id:1) & LocationItem(id:26) are valid because they have the same and different All quantities are seeded with a minimum of 5.
  • params: to_id, from_id, quantity
  • Location /api/v1/locations/:location_id/moveitem

Continued Development

This just the start! Going forward, my immediate priorities include strengthening validations at the model and db levels, continuing to expand RSpec testing, and learning how to incorporate Rails jobs. On the front end I will continue to build components for all developed features.

  • Validations will be more robust at the model and db levels.
    • Item.quantity is assigned AFTER making locations, items, and location_items by counting each matching LocationItem in each Location. This should only validate when it is updated, considering an item is created without a quantity initially. validates :quantity, on: :update
  • Inventory utilization tools
    • Inventory 'on-hand' v. 'ordered' with 'arrive by' at location
    • Rate of sales, weeks of supply, cost analysis
  • User Authentication
    • User signup, login, logout
    • Permissions for Admin v. User
    • User group inventories (per company / organization)
  • Shipments and purchase order queue
  • Custom table columns (sizing, color, etc.)
  • AWS S3 hosting and ActiveStorage for product images


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