This project intends to analyse the relationship between rate of infectious disease and health-related quality of life, specifically, in California.
1993 - 2010. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Data are from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). All respondents to the BRFSS are non-institutionalized adults, 18 years old or older.
HRQOL surveillance is used to identify unmet population health needs including recognizing trends, disparities, and determinants of health in the population. HRQOL surveillance data can be used to inform decision making, and program and policy development. To assure that the population is benefiting from public health programs, HRQOL surveillance data can be used for program evaluation.
A compact set of HRQOL measures including a summary measure of unhealthy days have been developed and validated for population health surveillance and have been widely used since 1993.
Attribution: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
These data contain counts and rates for Centers for Infectious Diseases-related disease cases among California residents by county, disease, sex, and year spanning 2001-2014 (As of September, 2015).
Attribution: and CHHS Open Data.
The webpage is written using React and D3.js.
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📸Project Screenshots:
Webpage Overview
Health Related Quality of Life in USA, shown using Line Chart and Pie Chart
USA Choropleth Map showing Quality of Life
Rate of Infectious Diseases in California
California Choropleth Map revealing the rate of Infectious Diseases over the years
Interesting Patterns Discovered