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Speedtest CLI Prometheus Exporter

Docker Image Version (latest semver)

This Docker container serves as a Prometheus exporter to gather speed test data using the official Speedtest CLI and script_exporter. The Docker image, blackdark93/prometheus-speedtest-exporter, supports multiple architectures including amd64, arm6, arm7, and arm64.

Quick Start Guide

To perform a basic test of the exporter, execute the following command to run the container:

sudo docker run --rm -p 9469:9469 blackdark93/prometheus-speedtest-exporter:main

Next, access the /probe endpoint:

curl "http://localhost:9469/probe?script=speedtest"

After approximately 15 to 30 seconds, you should receive output similar to this:

# HELP script_success Script exit status (0 = error, 1 = success).
# TYPE script_success gauge
script_success{script="speedtest"} 1

# HELP script_duration_seconds Script execution time in seconds.
# TYPE script_duration_seconds gauge
script_duration_seconds{script="speedtest"} 11.471082

# HELP script_exit_code The exit code of the script.
# TYPE script_exit_code gauge
script_exit_code{script="speedtest"} 0

# HELP speedtester_ping_jitter Jitter in milliseconds.
# TYPE speedtester_ping_jitter gauge
speedtester_ping_jitter{server_id="31448"} 1.150

# HELP speedtester_ping_latency Average latency in milliseconds.
# TYPE speedtester_ping_latency gauge
speedtester_ping_latency{server_id="31448"} 8.346

# HELP speedtester_download_bandwidth Download bandwidth in bits per second.
# TYPE speedtester_download_bandwidth gauge
speedtester_download_bandwidth{server_id="31448"} 13397023

# HELP speedtester_upload_bandwidth Upload bandwidth in bits per second.
# TYPE speedtester_upload_bandwidth gauge
speedtester_upload_bandwidth{server_id="31448"} 4870315

# HELP speedtester_packet_loss Packet loss percentage.
# TYPE speedtester_packet_loss gauge
speedtester_packet_loss{server_id="31448"} 0

Prometheus Configuration

To configure Prometheus, pass the script name as a parameter (script). It is recommended to use a long scrape_interval to minimize bandwidth usage.

Example configuration:

  - job_name: 'speedtest'
    metrics_path: /probe
      script: [speedtest]
      - targets: ['']
    scrape_interval: 60m
    scrape_timeout: 90s

  - job_name: 'script_exporter'
    metrics_path: /metrics
      - targets: ['']

Grafana Dashboard

An example Grafana dashboard is included and demonstrated in the screenshot above.

Testing Against Multiple Servers

By default, Speedtest selects a nearby server automatically. To specify one manually, set the server_id environment variable in Docker Compose:

  image: "blackdark93/prometheus-speedtest-exporter:main"
  restart: "on-failure"
    - 9469:9469
    - server_id=3855 # Example server ID for DTAC Bangkok

Metrics will include labels for each specified server ID. If adding more servers, consider extending the scrape_timeout to ensure completion:

- job_name: "speedtest"
  metrics_path: /probe
    script: [speedtest]
    - targets: ['']
  scrape_interval: 60m
  scrape_timeout: 10m

Refer to this searchable list to find server IDs.


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