Establish a stereo camera system for generating a real-time depth-map and 3D point cloud.
Use OpenCV stereo camera calibration tools.
Refer to:
There are lots of works to do:
- Compensate the distortion from lens
- Utilizing with epipolar geometry
- Generating projection matrix with
Find the same feature point in left/right image.
Calculate disparity from the matches.
Addition: You can try cv::StereoBM()
and cv::StereoSGBM()
for comparison.
Refer to:
Calculate depth from disparity with cv::reprojectImageTo3D()
- Create a 3D point cloud
- Improve accuracy/quality of depth map
- Try other algorithms to improve speed/accuracy/quality of depth map
- Calibrate the stereo camera (using MATLAB)
- Intrinsic matrices
$\mathbf{K}_L$ and$\mathbf{K}_R$ - Obtain the fundamental matrix
$\mathbf{F}$ using the 8-point algorithm - Compute the essential matrix
$\mathbf{E}$ - Decompose the essential matrix
$\mathbf{E}$ to get the rotation matrix$\mathbf{R}$ and the translation vector$\mathbf{t}$ ($\mathbf{p}_R^C = \mathbf{R}\mathbf{p}_L^C+\mathbf{t}$ )
- Intrinsic matrices
- Rectify the stereo camera (lens undistortion and stereo rectification)
- Stereo matching (correspondence pair search on the same image row)
- Block matching (BM)
- Semi-global block matching (SGBM)
- Disparity map (left and right image), optimization and refinement
- Triangulation to get the 3D point cloud
- Original images
- Rectified images
- Disparity map
- Depth map
- 3D point cloud
- 3D point cloud with color
class Camera {
+cv::Mat getIntrinsicMatrix()
+cv::Mat getDistortionCoeffs()
+cv::Mat getProjectionMatrix()
+void setRectificationMatrices(const cv::Mat &R, const cv::Mat &P)
-cv::Mat K_
-cv::Mat distortion_coeffs_
-cv::Mat projection_matrix_
-cv::Mat rectified_R_
-cv::Mat rectified_P_
class StereoSystem {
-int camera_id_
-int width_
-int height_
-DisparityMapGenerator::DisparityMethod method
-bool enable_debug_
-Camera left_camera_
-Camera right_camera_
-cv::Mat R_
-cv::Mat T_
-cv::Mat R1_, R2_, P1_, P2_, Q_
-void checkSize(const cv::Mat& mat, int expected_rows, int expected_cols)
-void readCalibrationParameters(const std::string ¶m_path)
-void captureImages(cv::VideoCapture &cap, cv::Mat &left_image, cv::Mat &right_image)
+StereoSystem(std::string ¶m_path, int camera_id, int single_camera_width, int single_camera_height, DisparityMapGenerator::DisparityMethod method, bool enable_debug)
+void run()
+void calibrateStereoCameras()
+void rectifyImages(const cv::Mat &left_image, const cv::Mat &right_image, cv::Mat &rectified_left_image, cv::Mat &rectified_right_image)
+void computeDepthMap(const cv::Mat &disparity, cv::Mat &depth_map)
+void createPointCloud(const cv::Mat& _3dImage, const cv::Mat& colorImage, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr &pointCloud)
class DisparityMapGenerator {
+cv::Mat computeDisparity(cv::Mat leftImage, cv::Mat rightImage, DisparityMethod method)
+enum DisparityMethod
+DisparityMapGenerator(const cv::Mat& leftImage, const cv::Mat& rightImage, DisparityMethod method)
+void computeDisparity(cv::Mat &disparity)
+void displayDisparity()
+void displayLRCheckResult()
-cv::Mat left_image_
-cv::Mat right_image_
-cv::Mat disparity_
-cv::Mat right_disparity_
-cv::Mat lrCheckedDisparity_
-int numDisparities_
-DisparityMethod method_
-void computeBM()
-void computeSGBM()
-void computeSGM()
-void preprocessImage(cv::Mat& image, bool useGaussianBlur)
-void applyLRCheck()
-void enhanceSubpixel()
-float computeCost(int x, int y, float d)
-cv::Mat reconstructRightImage(const cv::Mat& leftImage, const cv::Mat& disparity)
-double computePhotometricConsistencyMSE(const cv::Mat& reconstructedRightImage, const cv::Mat& actualRightImage)
-double computePhotometricConsistencyMAE(const cv::Mat& reconstructedRightImage, const cv::Mat& actualRightImage)
class SemiGlobalMatching {
+enum CensusSize
+struct SGMOption
+bool Initialize(const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const SGMOption& option)
+bool Match(const uint8_t* img_left, const uint8_t* img_right, float* disp_left)
+bool Reset(const uint32_t& width, const uint32_t& height, const SGMOption& option)
-cv::Mat left_image_
-cv::Mat right_image_
-cv::Mat disparity_
-cv::Mat right_disparity_
-cv::Mat lrCheckedDisparity_
-int numDisparities_
-DisparityMethod method_
-void computeBM()
-void computeSGBM()
-void computeSGM()
-void preprocessImage(cv::Mat& image, bool useGaussianBlur = true)
-void applyLRCheck()
-void enhanceSubpixel()
-float computeCost(int x, int y, float d)
-cv::Mat reconstructRightImage(const cv::Mat& leftImage, const cv::Mat& disparity)
-double computePhotometricConsistencyMSE(const cv::Mat& reconstructedRightImage, const cv::Mat& actualRightImage)
-double computePhotometricConsistencyMAE(const cv::Mat& reconstructedRightImage, const cv::Mat& actualRightImage)
class sgm_util {
+void census_transform_5x5(const uint8_t* source, uint32_t* census, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height)
+void census_transform_9x7(const uint8_t* source, uint64_t* census, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height)
+uint8_t Hamming32(const uint32_t& x, const uint32_t& y)
+uint8_t Hamming64(const uint64_t& x, const uint64_t& y)
+void CostAggregateLeftRight(const uint8_t* img_data, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t& min_disparity, const int32_t& max_disparity,const int32_t& p1,const int32_t& p2_init, const uint8_t* cost_init, uint8_t* cost_aggr, bool is_forward = true)
+void CostAggregateUpDown(const uint8_t* img_data, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t& min_disparity, const int32_t& max_disparity,const int32_t& p1, const int32_t& p2_init, const uint8_t* cost_init, uint8_t* cost_aggr, bool is_forward = true)
+void CostAggregateDagonal_1(const uint8_t* img_data, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t& min_disparity, const int32_t& max_disparity,const int32_t& p1, const int32_t& p2_init, const uint8_t* cost_init, uint8_t* cost_aggr, bool is_forward = true)
+void CostAggregateDagonal_2(const uint8_t* img_data, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t& min_disparity, const int32_t& max_disparity,const int32_t& p1, const int32_t& p2_init, const uint8_t* cost_init, uint8_t* cost_aggr, bool is_forward = true)
+void MedianFilter(const float* in, float* out, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t wnd_size)
+void RemoveSpeckles(float* disparity_map, const int32_t& width, const int32_t& height, const int32_t& diff_insame,const uint32_t& min_speckle_aera, const float& invalid_val)
StereoSystem --> Camera
StereoSystem --> DisparityMapGenerator
DisparityMapGenerator --> SemiGlobalMatching
SemiGlobalMatching --> sgm_util