Releases: BlockyDotJar/VorteX
v1.0.1 | Bugfixes
Since Windows Defender acts weird (again) and wrongly detects a Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.B!ml
virus i made a VirusTotal check to let you know that thats actually not the case.
What has changed?
- feat(filesystem): Added some additional readability and writability checks on file parsing/writing
- fix(barcodes): Fixed error where a
was thrown if you created/exported the barcode image without a size specification using the context menu - refactor(settings): Moved
out of parent JSON objectdwm
and renamed it towindow-fill
in thesettings.json
file - fix(settings): Fixed titlebar changing to a wrong color by using a mica style and removing its rgb value
- refactor(updater): Optimized code for downloading setup files
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
v1.0.0 | Initial release
VorteX is a general utility program written in Java. You can create, open and extract compressed password encrypted and Base32 encoded archive files. With VorteX you can also create and read different barcodes.
Supported Platforms
Currently only Windows is supported. There might be a general Linux version of VorteX, but there probably won't be a macOS version, but that lies in the future.
If you really want this application on macOS or on a Linux Kernel based OS and you do have experience with Java and the Kernel/API of the OS you are using, feel free to fork this repository.
See license and contribution page.
Why can't I change some settings?
These settings:
- Choose your mica material style
- Use immersive dark mode
- Color for titlebar
- Color for titlebar text
- Color for window border
are limited to Windows 11 22H2 and later versions.
That means, that you are not able to use mica material on lower Windows versions. (Windows 10 is generally not supported and Windows 11 21H1/21H2 also not)
You can see your current Windows display version and build if you take a look at the settings menu under Get push notifications for executed tasks.
Why can't i use dark mode?
If you want to use mica with dark mode use the Use immersive dark mode button.
What is a vxar file and how is it constructed?
The vxar file format is a VorteX Archive and doesn't work that different compared to a zip archive.
It is used to compress and archive files and folders with password encryption. (after AES - Advanced Encryption Standard).
All files and folders in the archive do also have encoded filenames. (after Base32 codec)
Technically you could open this type of file with popular applications like 7zip or WinRAR, but like said above, the filenames are encoded, so you are probably unable to read these.
Windows Defender
First of all: yes, this application is safe to install/use as you can see in the applications code.
Here are some questions you might want to ask me:
Why does a Microsoft SmartScreen warning appear after opening the installer or why do you want to exclude the VorteX installation directory and the vxar.exe process from Windows Defender?
There are a view reasons for this:
- I don't want to pay hundreds of dollars a year for a Microsoft trusted code-signing certificate (EV/OV) for this small application
- Submitting this application for malware analysis to Microsoft becomes very time-consuming, and it is very annoying to submit and wait for days or even weeks for every single version to be approved by Microsoft
So I am forced to exclude this stuff from Windows Defender?
No, you aren't. This is only needed if Windows Defender acts weirdly and detects some virus in the exe. Yeah, classic Microsoft application. It is really annoying for me as a developer that Windows Defender randomly detects non-signed '.exe' files as malicious software, but excluding all of this from Windows Defender is the only simple and inexpensive way of preventing the program from randomly being deleted or blacklisted.
If you don't feel comfortable with this solution, you can try to remove the Windows Defender exclusion (if you have already installed VorteX with the exclusion) with this steps.
If everything works and the Windows Defender now doesn't weirdly detect something malicious, you are now safe to use VorteX without the exclusion! (There sadly is no guaranty, that this lasts forever)
I actually don't know if other Antiviruses like Norton or McAfee are also detecting anything weird going on or if it's just Windows Defender being weird. (If that is true please open an issue here on GitHub and let me know)
This project is based on Java 17.
All dependencies and plugins are managed automatically by Gradle.
A JDK is packed into the executable file, so no manual installation needed.
- (kotlin) stdlib
- Version: 1.9.21
- Github
- javafx-base (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- javafx-graphics (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- javafx-controls (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- javafx-media (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- javafx-web (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- javafx-swing (:win)
- Version: 21.0.1
- Github
- jna-platform
- Version: 5.14.0
- Github
- github-api
- Version: 1.318
- Github
- json
- Version: 20231013
- Github
- zip4j
- Version: 2.11.5
- Github
- (zxing) core
- Version: 3.5.2
- Github
- (zxing) javase
- Version: 3.5.2
- Github
- controlsfx
- Version: 11.2.0
- Github
- commons-lang3
- Version: 3.14.0
- Github
- commons-io
- Version: 2.15.1
- Github
- commons-codec
- Version: 1.16.0
- Github
Other used tools
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- Version: 2023.3.1
- Website
- Inno Setup Compiler
- Version: 6.2.2
- Website
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License Version 3.
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the “copyright” line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If ...