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TrueDat Cache application. Provides modules for managing cached data in Redis.


# In your config/config.exs file
config :td_cache, redis_host: "localhost"

# In your application.ex
children = [
  # ...
  worker(TdCache.CacheCleaner, [config])

CacheCleaner configuration

The TdCache.CacheCleaner config expect a keyword list with the options:

  • clean_on_startup - if true, cleanup will be performed on application startup
  • patterns - a list of KEYS patterns to be deleted from Redis

After startup, cleanup can be perfomed programatically by using TdCache.CacheCleaner.clean.

Running the tests

The test environment expect a clean Redis server to be listening on port 6380. To start redis as a docker container, run docker-compose up -d redis.

Run all aplication tests with mix test.