- nested
- script_fields
- bool
- query
- aggregations
- aggregations (ACTIVE\PASSIVE facet patern)
Generating hints based on types :
Based on the selected, the context of the prompts changes :
After selecting the filter type, it shows options for a specific
Not all fields are currently implemented. But you can extend the support yourself in your code.***
Advanced exapmles in tests directory
import { Bool, Query } from '../../index';
const q = new Query()
.addProps('_source', ['field'])
.addProps('explain', true)
.addProps('from', 0)
.addProps('size', 100)
.addProps('q', 'Lucene query string ')
.addQuery('match', {
message: {
query: 'query',
.addQuery('term', {
field: 'f',
value: 'term',
.addQuery('range', {
gt: 0,
gte: 0,
new Bool().add('must', 'term', {
field: 'articul',
params: {
value: '111',
"_source": ["field"],
"explain": true,
"from": 0,
"q": "Lucene query string ",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"bool": {
"must": [
"term": {
"articul": {
"value": "111"
"match": {
"message": {
"query": "query"
"range": {
"gt": 0,
"gte": 0
"term": {
"field": "f",
"value": "term"
"size": 100
npm run test