AdaTune is a library to perform gradient based hyperparameter tuning for training deep neural networks. AdaTune currently supports tuning of the learning_rate
parameter but some of the methods implemented here can be extended to other hyperparameters like momentum
or weight_decay
etc. AdaTune provides the following gradient based hyperparameter tuning algorithms - HD, RTHO and our newly proposed algorithm, MARTHE. The repository also contains other commonly used non-adaptive learning_rate
adaptation strategies like staircase-decay, exponential-decay and cosine-annealing-with-restarts. The library is implemented in PyTorch.
The goal of the methods in this package is to automatically compute in an online fashion a learning rate schedule for stochastic optimization methods (such as SGD) only on the basis of the given learning task, aiming at producing models with associated small validation error.
Theoretically, we have to solve the problem of finding a learning rate (LR) schedule under the framework of gradient-based hyperparameter optimization.
In this sense, we consider as an optimal schedule a solution to the following constrained optimization problem:
for ,
is an objective function,
is a (possibly stochastic) weight update dynamics,
represents the initial model weights (parameters) and finally
are the weights after t iterations.
We can think of E as either the training or the validation loss of the model,
while the dynamics describe the update rule (such as SGD, SGD-Momentum, Adam etc.). For example in the case of SGD,
while the dynamics
the (possibly regularized) training loss
on the t-th minibatch. The horizon T should be large enough so that
the training error can be effectively minimized, in order to avoid underfitting.
Note that a too large value of T does not necessarily harm since
is still a feasible solution, implementing early stopping in
this setting.
The library can be installed (from source) like this:
git checkout
cd adatune
python install
You can easily replace a non-adaptive learning_rate
based training procedure with an adaptive one (RTHO/MARTHE) like this:
first_grad = ag.grad(loss, net.parameters(), create_graph=True, retain_graph=True)
hyper_optim.compute_hg(net, first_grad)
for params, gradients in zip(net.parameters(), first_grad):
params.grad = gradients
There are two standalone Python scripts provided in the bin
directory which show in details how to use the library.
- This file contains all the baselines we compare against while developing MARTHE (apart from RTHO). The parameters defined in thecli_def
function are self-explanatory. You can change thelearning_rate
adaptation strategy withlr-scheduler
parameter defined there.
For example, if you want to run cosine-annealing-with-restarts for VGG-11 on CIFAR-10 with SGD-momentum as the optimizer, you can run it like this after the package is installed:
python bin/ --network vgg --dataset cifar_10 --optimizer sgd --momentum 0.9 --lr-scheduler cyclic
- This file contains the implementation RTHO and MARTHE. MARTHE is a generalization of RTHO and HD. It is implemented together with RTHO because both the algorithms share the common component of computing the Hessian-Vector-Product.
If you want to run MARTHE, HD, or RTHO, you can run it like this:
python bin/ --network vgg --dataset cifar_10 --optimizer sgd --momentum 0.9 --hyper-lr 1e-8
if you pass mu
as 1.0, the algorithm behaves as RTHO. If you pass mu
as 0, the algorithm is similar to HD (though the outer gradient will be computed on the validation set instead of training set).
In order to automatically set and adapt mu
, set it to any value less than 0.0. You can also pass a value of mu
in the range of [0.99, 0.999] if you don't want an adaptive behavior for mu
If you pass alpha
equals to 0.0, the hyper-lr
value will stay the same for the whole training procedure.
Generally, the value of hyper-lr
should be set to minimum 3-4 scales lower for Adam when compared to SGD (w/o momentum) for all the gradient based methods.
In order to automatically set and adapt hyper-lr
, it is possible to set the value of alpha
positive and small (e.g. 1e-6).
You can use a linear search algorithm to gradually reduce the value of alpha
starting from a higher value and seeing when the algorithm is not diverging. Generally, if the value of alpha
is high for a given task, the algorithm would diverge within the first few epochs.
In future, we plan to implement a find_hyper_lr method to automatically handle the linear search over alpha
as well (removing completely any human intervention in the whole precedure).
For both, there is a parameter called model-loc
which determines where the trained model would be saved. Please create this directory before running the code if you are using a different directory than the current working directory.
implements LeNet-5, VGG, ResNet, MLP, Wide-ResNet and DenseNet-BC. So far, experiments are mostly done with VGG-11 and ResNet-18.
List of available Datasets/DataLoaders can be found in
. Currently datasets supported are MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100. The DataLoaders classes will download these datasets when used for the first time.
For further details, please refer to the original paper.
The idea of this code is from the following paper:
Donini et al. "MARTHE: Scheduling the Learning Rate Via Online Hypergradients" IJCAI-PRCAI 2020.
Bibtex citation:
title={MARTHE: Scheduling the Learning Rate Via Online Hypergradients},
author={Donini, Michele and Franceschi, Luca and Majumder, Orchid and Pontil, Massimiliano and Frasconi, Paolo},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence},
organization={AAAI Press}