Mars Rover is a simple console App that mimics a simple navigation system, with a list of given instruction it will determine the destination.
.NetCore 2.1 Application (Easy to set-up).
From the project folder run the below mentioned command.
**form running this command you should get an instruction of what sort of input is expected ($> dotnet run )
$> dotnet run 8 10 1 2 E MMLMRMMRRMML
- from the standard output, 6 arguments are expected.
- The 1st two (8 and 10) represent the cartesian plain (Map) coordinates (x,y).
- the following three, with 1 and 2 representing the rovers stating position on the map
and E being the initial direction of movement.
- the last group is the rover's movement commands, where M -> move forward, L -> Turn Left && R -> turn right.
1) 1 1 1 1 E L Result => 1 1 N
2) 10 8 5 5 E ML Result => 6 5 N
3) 10 8 5 5 E MMMMMM Result => --Out of bounds Error--
4) 10 8 -5 5 E MMMMMM Result => --Invalid Input Error--
5) Result => --Invalid Input Error--
6) 10 8 E MMMMMM Result => --Invalid Input Error--
7) 10 8 23 34 E MMMMMM 12 L Result => --Invalid Input Error--
8) 18 10 1 22 E RRRRRRRRRRRL Result => 1 22 W
9) 8 10 1 2 E MMLMRMMRRMML Result => 3 1 S
# Theres a simple test script included in the project folder.
## Early stages
- the 1st commit the code was at its simplest and functional, 3 methods.
- the challenge with that implemantation is that the code gets messy quickly as the project grows.
## Final Pattern
- and should the project grow bigger the code will still be easy to maintain.
- just as MVC pattern the Controllers folder hosts all the logic separated by class
- and the Model folder data presentation (object definitions).