Set of games from various lists of words... and images on the web (provided by Bing)
Playable at :
Bing URL :
Liste des paramètres :
- q = query string
- w = width
- h = height
- rs = 1 (resize 0=OriginalSize 1=ZoomNoDistortion 2=Extend)
- c = 0 (crop 0=PasCrop 1=Crop)
- p = 0 (compléter avec du blanc 0=Non 1=DessusDessous 2=BlancDessus 4=BlancDessous)
- mkt = fr-FR (market code)
- cc = FR (country code
- setlang=fr (langue code)
- r = 0 ?
- o = 5 ?
- pid = 1.7 ?
- safeSearch Used to filter webpages, images, and videos for adult content. The following are the possible filter values: Off — Returns content with adult text and images but not adult videos. Moderate — Returns webpages with adult text, but not adult images or videos. Strict — Does not return adult text, images, or videos. The default is Moderate.