WayPointChat is a chat manager developed by WayPoint ©
- Auto-Broadcast (Create automatic broadcast messages with your own schedule)
- Broadcast (Broadcast a message to the entire server)
- Info-commands (Create your own info commands! Like /discord or /website)
- MOTD (Customizable title players get in their screen when they join your server)
- Countdown (Create a bossbar-timer that counts down with whatever reason you want)
- Anti-swear (Make a list of words that are banned from the chat)
- Mute-chat (Mute the global chat)
- Clearchat (The chat will be cleared so that no one can read it again)
- Messages System (All messages are customizable!)
- You need the plugin CommandAPI as dependency for the Info Commands!
- Download the jar.
- Stop your server.
- Put the .jar file into your plugins folder.
- Start your server.