The details of this project are outlined in the project spec.
- Clone down the repsository into your preferred directory.
git clone
- Change into the directory.
cd Overlook-Hotel
- Install dependencies by running
npm install
in your terminal - run
npm start
in your terminal - Navigate to http://localhost:8080/ in you browser
- You must clone down the loca server:
git clone
- cd into the local server:
cd overlook-api
- In your terminal run :
npm install
then runnpm start
- The local host will be running at: http://localhost:3001
** Do not run
npm audit fix --force
, as this will update to an incompatible version of web-pack. **
Testing can be done from the main directory of the project.
In the terminal run npm test
The basis of this project was to build a web application that allows users to search for hotel rooms by specific date and type, book the rooms they would like to, view all of their bookings, and cancel bookings as well. This project was a week long project. I am approximately 3 months into my coding journey at Turing. Total project time was approximately 30 hours.
Brandon Doza:
The learning goals of this project was for me as learning and growing developer to utilize a TDD approach to building a web application. Testing was written prior to writing any html, scss, or js functionality. Other goals of this project were to implement the use of APIs with GET, POST, and DELETE request. Understanding and implementation of iterator methods was also a fundamental concept in this application. This project was to solidify my understanding of everything I have learned thus far at Turing, integrating SCSS
, Javascript
, and HTML
, and how to simultaneously manage input on the DOM and data model. The technology used in this learning experience was Mocha
, Chai
, and Webpack
- Win 1: Realizing how much knowledge I have gained throughout my short time at Turing. There was a time, not very long ago, that I wasn't sure if I could even learn the basics. It was very hard and unlike any leanring process I had done before, but here I am feeling confident that I can learn anything!
- Win 2: Getting my accesibility score to 100% in lighthouse and implementing local testing to make sure the user experience with a screen reader is easy to follow.
- Win 3: Really putting my head down and focusing on all of the material I have learned so far, and leaning into my problem solving skills. I am proud to say I understand and wrote every line of code in this project. When I hit a road block, I took time to figure out things on my own and try things, within reason. I set limits on my struggle, and when needed, I did reach out for help. When I found help, just having another input was just what I needed to get me over the struggle, and moving forward.
- Challenges: psuedocoding could have been better. Sometime I got in a groove and forgot to slow down and psuedocode things out, which came back to bite me when I got lost a couple times.