This Application is for recording who chat in Channel.
Display current amount of Chatters and whole Watchers.
DataBase - MongoDB
- Why I choose MongoDB?
- In Structure, 'Chatter Area' is not Undefined. This Area will change everytime.
- Why I choose MongoDB?
Language - Java
Write detail information like this.
- C(count) - amount of chat that Chatter write per minute.
- L(length) - length of chat for 1 minute that chatter write.
- AL(average length) - average chat length that chatter write.
- W(weigth) - chatter's share in total Chats
- Structure
- channel
- nick - channel owner's name)
- records
- Time
- Playing - JustChatting, LoL etc...
- Total_counts
- Chatter_counts
- Chat_counts
- mature
- Chatters
- user
- chats
- len ...
- Structure
- Twitch API AUTH(Key)
- auth
- client_auth
- client_secret_auth
- auth_irc
- DataBase
- database_name
- collection_name
- destination
- port
pirbot - client of IRC Server
json-simple - For parsing Json file(Twitch Rest Api response is Json)
POI - make Xlsx using DataBase Data