CAS plugin for Express Gateway with external Database
Simply type from your shell environment:
eg plugin install eg-cas-plugin
Make sure the plugin is listed in system.config.yml file. This is done automatically for you if you used the command above. See Configuration for more details.
Add the configuration keys to gateway.config.yml file.
- secure-auth:
passThrough: true
passThroughSafeMethod: true
The plugin requires a few configurations in system.config.yml
package: express-gateway-plugin-cas
DATABASE_URL: 'postgres://username:password@localhost:5432/db_name'
Name | Description | Default | Require |
DATABASE_URL | PostgreSQL Connection Url | - | Yes |
AUTH_HEADER | a header for authenticated username | auth-user | - |
ADMIN_KEY | custom api key, used for admin api authorisation | admin_key | - |
JWT_SECRET | a string used to sign and verify jwt | jwt_secret | - |
JWT_EXPIRATION_DELTA | This will be used to set the jwt expiration time. | null | - |
JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRATION_DELTA | This is how much time after the original token that future tokens can be refreshed from. | null | - |
USER_MODEL_PATH | path to sequelize model definition for a custom user model | null | - |
ADMIN_CORS | the plugin is using Express Cors which follows Configuration Options | default |
are strings describing a time span zeit/ms. Eg: "2 days", "10h", "7d". A string must provide the time units (days, hours, etc), otherwise milliseconds unit is used by default ("120" is equal to "120ms").
"origin": "*",
"preflightContinue": false,
"optionsSuccessStatus": 204
- Use to secure authenication of plugin
- Recommended to be used as a first policy in a pipline
The Basic Authorization policy follows the RFC-7617 standard. From the standard, if a user agent wanted to send the user-id “Aladdin” and password “open sesame”, it would use the following HTTP header.
Example: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==
- The policy can verify requests containing JSON Web Tokens. A token must be passed through the Authorization header with the scheme 'bearer'
- determines whether the gateway should execute the successive policy in case the auth process fails. If set to false, the gateway will return an Unauthorized response.
- default value: false
- same as
, but determines only Safe Method - default value: false
Note: if you provide both actions, the action.passThrough
has a higher priority.
The plugin can import a custom model definition for User's table by providing a path to the exported model, otherwise it would use a default model.
We're using Sequelize ORM to connect to the SQL database, which support importing model definitions from a file. So, you can customize new model by using Sequelize model definition.
And make sure that USER_MODEL_PATH
has been set to your custom model in system.config.yml
The username and password field are required in custom model for authentication stuff. For security, there is a built-in password hashing feature. The password will be hashed automatically without extra configuration in your custom model.
For example, see custom-user-model.js
Note: a path is relative to root project directory.
drf-with-eg-cas is an example usecase of this plugin on top Express gateway and Django REST framework api
Make sure you have the required environment variable as sample below
export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:password@localhost:5432/postgres
export AUTH_HEADER=auth-user
export JWT_SECRET=this_is_a_secret
export ADMIN_KEY=this_is_an_admin_api_key
To able to run test first we will need a running server for requesting.
$ npm run start
Then open a new terminal (make sure you are in project directory), so that we can run our unit test with jest.
$ npm run test
Note that when you are developing you tend to change code often and every time you change code you must compile it. So to make thing easy, open another terminal window (make sure you are in project directory) and run
$ npm run watch-ts
Note: When code changed and compiled you must restart server manually.
Express Gateway plugin explanation: Plugin Documentation
CLI for installing and configuring plugin: Plugins CLI
Guidlines how to write your custom plugin: Plugin Development Guide
Express Gateway Boot Sequence explains order in which plugin entities are loaded and executed.
Just check out our plugin development guide. We can't wait to see your custom stuff in the Gateway!