So, Game of Nim is a very basic game. I've not created anything new with regard to game.
Rather through this game I wish to introduce Beginner Coders/Programmers who are not sure to choose what language to start with or to make a career in or just for hobby or fun. So, I created this Repository for anyone who wishes to get a sneak peek into languages and its basic syntax and logics.
You can Say, It's a kind of Notes on a Programming Langauge for Beginners.
Game of Nim will be written in as many languages as possible
So that For any language, a beginner may know basic things such as :
- Tools - IDE, Compiler/Interpreter for Language.
- Header/Library/Dependancies for Language Files.
- Program Structure & Language Syntax.
- Variable Declaration, Data Types, Arithmetic & Operators.
- Decision/Control Structures.
- Looping Structures.
- Functions.
Then one could easily find how & which language is suitable for him/her by comparing same Program written under different Languages.
Please note that this repository is meant to be a clean place for codestore that will help Begineers to understand the Simplicities & Complexities of languages. Please, Do not put/do anything messy or ambigous here. As a safe practice another dummy repository is being created. Fork that, add some changes to that, create a pull request, merge & save. That's kind of practice repository for you to do messy things in case you don't know how-to. All this is done in order to maintain this repository to be full of clean code pushes. I hope everyone agrees with that.
Your Contribution
Your Contribution will always be appreciated. Happy Coding