A simple DI Container script for python
This DI container comes with 4 simple functions to facilitate the Dependency Injection workflow. In order PythonDI to work all registered objects must have init functions with strongly defined types. The only exception to this is if "register_instance" is being used and the instance of that object is included.
Pydantic objects are now supported, but currently their construction is very slow. See Performance below for details.
Actions when encountering an unregistered type can now be defined to act more broadly.
- UnregisteredAction.DEFAULT
- The type will be instantiated with all default values. Note: Any values without a default, thus would be required, will raise an error.
- UnregisteredAction.NONE
- The value will be set to None
- UnregisteredAction.EXCEPTION
- An UnregisteredType error will be raised.
- UnregisteredAction.REGISTER
- The unregistered type will be registered and located.
"register" registers the object type to the DI Container, allowing it to be located and constructed.
"register_instance" registers a single instance of an object to the DI Container. If no instance is included, the first time one is located it will be saved.
"locate" finds an existing instance of the given object type or constructs a new one.
"locate_all" finds all existing instance of registered objects associated with the given object type or constructs a new ones.
Examples of all functions can be found in test_DI.py
def test_locate_dependencies():
di = DIContainer()
response = di.locate(HelloResponse, [])
assert response is not None # HelloResponse located
assert response.body == "" # body populated with default value for str
assert response.goodbye is not None # GoodbyeResponse located
assert response.goodbye.test is not None # TestResponse located
assert response.goodbye.test.test == 0 # TestResponse.test populated with default value for int
assert response.goodbye.test.body == "" # TestResponse.body populated with default value for str
def test_locate_with_param():
di = DIContainer()
response = di.locate(HelloResponse, ["Hello"])
assert response is not None # HelloResponse located
assert response.body == "Hello" # body param applies
def test_locate_all():
di = DIContainer()
d = D()
di.register_instance(D, d)
# locate_all test
all_A = di.locate_all(A)
assert len(all_A) == 4 # Includes A, B, C, and D
assert d in all_A
all_B = di.locate_all(B)
assert len(all_B) == 2 # Includes B and C
assert d not in all_B
# test classes
class OtherResponse:
def __init__(self, test: int, body: str):
self.test = test
self.body = body
class GoodbyeResponse:
def __init__(self, test: OtherResponse = None):
self.test = test
class HelloResponse:
def __init__(self, body: str, goodbye: GoodbyeResponse):
self.body = body
self.goodbye = goodbye
class A: pass
class B(A): pass
class C(B): pass
class D(A): pass
To those whom it may concern, I have added performance tests which compare running DI vs manual instantiation. The previous results when running each case 10M times on my system were:
Test Runtime (sec) Average (μs)
DI test 21.16 2.12
Pydantic DI test 47.56 4.76
Manual test 5.44 0.54
Pydantic Manual test 29.59 2.96
Locate All test 11.56 1.16