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emvaldes committed Feb 4, 2025
1 parent 5522e72 commit fe1cfd0
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Showing 4 changed files with 304 additions and 50 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions operations/app/terraform/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

## Usage: Validate generated records across reports
## > ./python.csv ./powershell.csv

oIFS="${IFS}" ;
IFS=$'\n' ;

source="${1}" ;
target="${2}" ;

declare -a lines=( $( cat "${source}" ) ) ;
# echo -e "${lines[3]}" ;

count=1 ;
for line in "${lines[@]}"; do
echo -en "Line[${count}]: " ;
## Escape double quotes inside the variable
record=$( echo $line | sed 's/^\(.*\)$"/'\2'/g' ) ;
echo -en $record ;
## Use grep with escaped quotes
found=$( grep -Fxc "${record}" "${target}" ) ;
if [[ $found -gt 0 ]]; then echo " -> match" ;
else echo " -> missing" ;
fi ;
(( count++ )) ;
done ;

IFS="${oIFS}" ;
109 changes: 99 additions & 10 deletions operations/app/terraform/scripts/export-resources.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,106 @@
#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

# Define parameters
Fetches a list of Azure resources and exports them to a CSV file.
This script retrieves Azure resources using the Azure CLI and formats the output as a CSV file.
It extracts specified attributes like location, name, and resource group.
The name of the output CSV file. Default is 'azure-resources.csv'.
.PARAMETER OutputHeaders
Specifies which properties to extract from the Azure resources.
Default is `"Location":location,"Name":name,"Resource Group":resourceGroup`.
./export-azure-resources.ps1 -OutputFile "my-resources.csv"
Runs the script and saves Azure resources to "my-resources.csv".
- PowerShell 7+
- Azure CLI (`az` command)
- Logged-in Azure account (`az login`)

param (
[string]$OutputFile = "azure-resources--powershell.csv"
[string]$OutputFile = "azure-resources.powershell.csv",
[string]$OutputHeaders = '"Location":location,"Name":name,"Resource Group":resourceGroup',

# Output header
"Location,Name,Resource Group" | Out-File -FilePath "azure-resources.csv" -Encoding utf8 ;
## Display help message if -Help or -? is used
if ( $Help ) {
Get-Help $PSCommandPath -Full ;
exit ;
} ;

## Ensure Azure CLI is installed
Write-Host "`nChecking Azure CLI availability ..." `
-ForegroundColor Cyan ;
if ( -not ( Get-Command az -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) ) {
Write-Host "Error: Azure CLI is not installed or not found in PATH." `
-ForegroundColor Red ;
Write-Host "➡ Please install Azure CLI from" ;
exit 1 ;
} ;

## Ensure the user is logged in to Azure
Write-Host "Checking Azure authentication ..." `
-ForegroundColor Cyan ;
if ( -not ( az account show 2>$null ) ) {
Write-Error "You are not logged in to Azure. Run 'az login' and try again." ;
exit 1 ;
} ;

## Extract only column names and enforce double quotes for all headers
Write-Host "`nParsing output headers ..." `
-ForegroundColor Cyan ;
$ColumnNames = ( $OutputHeaders -split ',' ) -replace '"([^"]+)":.*', '$1' ;
$QuotedHeaders = $ColumnNames | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '^".*"$') { $_ } else { "`"$_`"" }
} ;

## Convert array to CSV format
$HeaderLine = $QuotedHeaders -join ',' ;

Write-Host "Writing headers to '${OutputFile}'..." `
-ForegroundColor Cyan ;
## Write CSV header correctly
$HeaderLine | Set-Content -Path $OutputFile -Encoding utf8NoBOM;

# Fetch Azure resources and append to CSV
az resource list --query '[].{"Location":location,"Name":name,"Resource Group":resourceGroup}' --output tsv |
ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "`t", "," } |
Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile -Append -Encoding utf8 ;
Write-Host "`nFetching Azure resources from CLI ..." `
-ForegroundColor Cyan ;
## Fetch Azure resources and append to CSV
try {
$sortedData = az resource list --query "[].{${OutputHeaders}}" `
--output tsv `
| ForEach-Object {
( $_ -replace "`t", '","' ) -replace '^(.*)$', '"$1"'
} `
| Sort-Object -CaseSensitive ;
# $sortedData | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFile `
# -Append `
# -Encoding utf8;
$sortedData -replace "\r","" -replace '\s+$', "" `
| Set-Content -Path $OutputFile `
-Append `
-Encoding utf8NoBOM;
Write-Host "`nAzure resources successfully exported!" `
-ForegroundColor Green;
Write-Host "Saved as: $OutputFile" `
-ForegroundColor Green;
} catch {
Write-Error "`nFailed to fetch Azure resources. Please check your Azure configuration." ;
exit 1 ;
} ;

# Display the contents of the generated CSV
Get-Content -Path $OutputFile ;
## Display output
Write-Host "`nCSV Content (First 10 Lines):`n" `
-ForegroundColor Yellow ;
Get-Content -Path $OutputFile `
| Select-Object -First 10 ;
195 changes: 161 additions & 34 deletions operations/app/terraform/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,39 +1,166 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Fetch Azure resources and export them to a CSV file.
This script retrieves Azure resources using the Azure CLI and saves them to a CSV file.
Users can customize the fields they want to include using the --output-headers parameter.
- Python 3.x
- Azure CLI (`az` command)
- Logged-in Azure account (`az login`)
python --output-file my-resources.csv
python --output-headers 'Location:location,Name:name,Resource Group:resourceGroup'
python --suppress-output
python --help
Author: Your Name

import subprocess
import csv
import argparse
import shutil
import sys
import re

# Default headers (matches PowerShell script)
DEFAULT_OUTPUT_HEADERS = '"Location":location,"Name":name,"Resource Group:resourceGroup"'

def check_azure_cli():
"""Check if Azure CLI is installed and accessible."""
if not shutil.which( "az" ):
print( "\nError: Azure CLI is not installed or not found in PATH." )
print( "➡ Please install Azure CLI from\n" )
sys.exit( 1 )

def check_azure_login():
"""Check if the user is logged into Azure."""
["az", "account", "show"],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print( "\nError: You are not logged in to Azure." )
print( "➡ Run 'az login' and try again.\n" )
sys.exit( 1 )

def parse_headers( header_string ):
"""Convert PowerShell-like headers to CSV format and Azure CLI query format."""
## 1. Remove all double quotes from the input
header_string = header_string.replace( '"', '' )
## 2. Split headers into (column name, Azure field ID)
header_pairs = [header.strip().split( ":" ) for header in header_string.split( "," )]
if not all( len( pair ) == 2 for pair in header_pairs ):
print( "\nError: Invalid --output-headers format." )
print( "➡ Expected format: Column1:azureField1,Column2:azureField2" )
sys.exit( 1 )
## 3. Ensure CSV headers are quoted only if they contain spaces
csv_headers = [f'"{pair[0]}"' if " " in pair[0] else pair[0] for pair in header_pairs]
# print( csv_headers )
## 4. Construct the valid Azure CLI JMESPath query format
azure_query = ", ".join( [f'"{pair[0]}":{pair[1]}' for pair in header_pairs] )
# print( azure_query )
return csv_headers, azure_query

def fetch_azure_resources( query ):
"""Run Azure CLI command to fetch resources based on dynamic query."""
cmd = [
"az", "resource", "list",
"--query", f"[].{{{query}}}",
"--output", "tsv"
result =
## Sort the full record instead of isolating fields
return sorted( result.stdout.splitlines(), key=str )

except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print( "\nError: Failed to fetch Azure resources." )
print( f"➡ Azure CLI error: {e.stderr.strip()}\n" )
sys.exit( 1 )

def write_csv( output_file, csv_headers, data ):
"""Write Azure resource data to a CSV file, ensuring all fields are quoted."""
## Ensure all headers are explicitly quoted
cleaned_headers = [header.strip('"') for header in csv_headers]
quoted_headers = [f'{header}' for header in cleaned_headers]

with open( output_file, "w", newline="\n", encoding="utf-8" ) as csvfile:
## Force quotes for all fields
writer = csv.writer( csvfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL )
## Write quoted headers
writer.writerow( quoted_headers )
for line in data:
## Trim spaces and ensure consistent line endings
values = [col.strip() for col in line.split( "\t" )]
if len( values ) == len( quoted_headers ):
writer.writerow( values )
print(f"Skipping malformed line: {line}")

def main():
"""Main script execution."""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Fetch Azure resources and export them to a CSV file." )
help="Path to the output CSV file (default: azure-resources.csv)"
help="Comma-separated list of headers in 'ColumnName:AzureField' format."
help="Suppress printing the CSV content to the console"

args = parser.parse_args()
output_file = args.output_file
output_headers = args.output_headers
suppress_output = args.suppress_output

print( "\nChecking Azure CLI availability..." )

print( "Checking Azure authentication..." )

print( "\nParsing output headers..." )
csv_headers, azure_query = parse_headers( output_headers )

print( "Fetching Azure resources..." )
data = fetch_azure_resources( azure_query )

print( f"\nWriting data to '{output_file}'..." )
write_csv( output_file, csv_headers, data )

print( "\nAzure resources successfully exported!" )
print( f"Saved as: {output_file}\n" )

if not suppress_output:
print("CSV Content (First 10 Lines):\n" )
with open( output_file, "r", encoding="utf-8" ) as csvfile:
for i, line in enumerate( csvfile ):
if i >= 10: break
print( line.strip() )

# Set up argument parser
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Fetch Azure resources and export them to a CSV file." ) ;
help="Path to the output CSV file (default: azure-resources--python.csv)"
) ;

# Parse arguments
args = parser.parse_args() ;
output_file = args.output_file ;

# Command to fetch Azure resources
cmd = [
"az", "resource", "list",
"--query", "[].{\"Location\":location, \"Name\":name, \"Resource Group\":resourceGroup}",
"--output", "tsv"
] ;

# Run the Azure CLI command
result = cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True ) ;

# Write header and data to CSV file
with open( output_file, "w", newline="" ) as csvfile:
writer = csv.writer( csvfile ) ;
writer.writerow( ["Location", "Name", "Resource Group"] ) ;
for line in result.stdout.splitlines():
writer.writerow( line.split( "\t" ) ) ;

# Print the contents of the generated CSV
with open( output_file, "r" ) as csvfile:
print( ) ;
if __name__ == "__main__":
21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions operations/app/terraform/scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash

## Usage: Exporting Azure Resources listing
## > "report.csv" ;

if [[ ${#1} -gt 0 ]]; then
OutputFile="${1}" ;
else OutputFile="azure-resources--shell.csv" ;
else OutputFile="" ;
fi ;

echo "Location,Name,Resource Group" \
| cat - <( az resource list --query "[].{\"Location\":location, \"Name\":name, \"Resource Group\":resourceGroup}" --output tsv \
| sed 's/\t/,/g' ) \
> ${OutputFile} ;
## Default (hardcoded) CSV headers
echo '"Location","Name","Resource Group"' > ${OutputFile} ;

## Fetching and transforming records to CSV-format
az resource list --query "[].{\"Location\":location, \"Name\":name, \"Resource Group\":resourceGroup}" \
--output tsv \
| sed -e 's/\t/","/g' -e 's|^|"|g' -e 's|$|"|g' \
| sort -u \
>> ${OutputFile} ;

cat ${OutputFile} ;
## Listing exported content (10 records)
head -n10 ${OutputFile} ;

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