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CDOT's fork of the `jpo-utils` project

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US Department of Transportation (USDOT) Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO) Utilities

The JPO ITS utilities repository serves as a central location for deploying open-source utilities used by other JPO-ITS repositories.

Table of Contents

1. Configuration

System Requirements

  • Minimum RAM: 16 GB
  • Supported operating systems:
    • Ubuntu 22.04 Linux (Recommended)
    • Windows 10/11 Professional (Professional version required for Docker virtualization)
    • OSX 10 Mojave
      • NOTE: Not all images have ARM64 builds (they can still be ran through a compatibility layer)
  • Docker-compose V2 - version 3.4 or newer

The jpo-utils repository is intended to be ran with docker-compose v2 as it uses functionality added in the v2 release.

Tips and Advice

Read the following guides to familiarize yourself with the jpo-utils Docker configuration.

Important! You must rename sample.env to .env for Docker to automatically read the file. Do not push this file to source control.

2. MongoDB

A MongoDB instance that is initialized as a standalone replica-set and has configured users is configured in the docker-compose-mongo file. To use a different or create_indexes.js script, pass in the relative path of the new script by overriding the KAFKA_INIT_SCRIPT_RELATIVE_PATH or MONGO_CREATE_INDEXES_SCRIPT_RELATIVE_PATH environmental variables. These scripts facilitate the initialization of the MongoDB Database along with the created indexes.

Where the COMPOSE_PROFILES variable in you're .env file are as follows:

  • mongo_full - deploys all resources in the docker-compose-mongo.yml file
    • mongo - only deploys the mongo and mongo-setup services
    • mongo_express - only deploys the mongo-express service

Quick Run

  1. Create a copy of sample.env and rename it to .env.
  2. Update the variable DOCKER_HOST_IP to the local IP address of the system running docker which can be found by running the ifconfig command
    1. Hint: look for "inet addr:" within "eth0" or "en0" for OSX
  3. Set the password for MONGO_ADMIN_DB_PASS and MONGO_READ_WRITE_PASS environmental variables to a secure password.
  4. Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES variable to: mongo_full
  5. Run the following command: docker-compose up -d
  6. Go to localhost:8082 in your browser and verify that mongo-express can see the created database

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3. Kafka

The Bitnami Kafka is being used as a hybrid controller and broker in the docker-compose-kafka file. To use a different script, pass in the relative path of the new script by overriding the KAFKA_INIT_SCRIPT_RELATIVE_PATH environmental variable. This can help in initializing new topics at startup.

An optional kafka-init, schema-registry, and kafka-ui instance can be deployed by configuring the COMPOSE_PROFILES as follows:

  • kafka_full - deploys all resources in the docker-compose-kafka.yml file
    • kafka - only deploys the kafka services
    • kafka_setup - deploys a kafka-setup service that creates topics in the kafka service.
    • kafka_schema_registry - deploys a kafka-schema-registry service that can be used to manage schemas for kafka topics
    • kafka_ui - deploys a web interface to interact with the kafka cluster

Configure Topic Creation

The Kafka topics created by the kafka-setup service are configured in the kafka-topics-values.yaml file. The topics in that file are organized by the application, and sorted into "Stream Topics" (those with cleanup.policy = delete) and "Table Topics" (with cleanup.policy = compact).

The following enviroment variables can be used to configure Kafka Topic creation.

Environment Variable Description
KAFKA_TOPIC_CREATE_ODE Whether to create topics for the ODE
KAFKA_TOPIC_CREATE_GEOJSONCONVERTER Whether to create topics for the GeoJSON Converter
KAFKA_TOPIC_CREATE_CONFLICTMONITOR Whether to create topics for the Conflict Monitor
KAFKA_TOPIC_CREATE_DEDUPLICATOR Whether to create topics for the Deduplicator
KAFKA_TOPIC_CREATE_OTHER Whether to create topics for other applications, this is only useful when you attach a custom kafka-topics-values.yaml file with other topics
KAFKA_TOPICS_VALUES_FILE Path to a custom kafka-topics-values.yaml file
KAFKA_TOPIC_PARTITIONS Number of partitions
KAFKA_TOPIC_REPLICAS Number of replicas
KAFKA_TOPIC_MIN_INSYNC_REPLICAS Minumum number of in-sync replicas (for use with ack=all)
KAFKA_TOPIC_RETENTION_MS Retention time for stream topics, milliseconds
KAFKA_TOPIC_DELETE_RETENTION_MS Tombstone retention time for compacted topics, milliseconds

Confluent Cloud Support

The following environment variables are used to configure the Kafka client for Confluent Cloud.

Environment Variable Description
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL Security protocol for Kafka
KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG SASL JAAS configuration for Kafka
KAFKA_SSL_ENDPOINT_ALGORITHM SSL endpoint algorithm for Kafka

Quick Run

  1. Create a copy of sample.env and rename it to .env.
  2. Update the variable DOCKER_HOST_IP to the local IP address of the system running docker which can be found by running the ifconfig command
    1. Hint: look for "inet addr:" within "eth0" or "en0" for OSX
  3. Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES variable to: kafka_full
  4. Run the following command: docker-compose up -d
  5. Go to localhost:8001 in your browser and verify that kafka-ui can see the created kafka cluster and initialized topics

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4. MongoDB Kafka Connect

The mongo-connector service connects to specified Kafka topics and deposits these messages to separate collections in the MongoDB Database. The codebase that provides this functionality comes from Confluent using their community licensed cp-kafka-connect image. Documentation for this image can be found here.


Kafka connectors are managed by the

Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES environmental variable as follows:

Configure Kafka Connector Creation

The Kafka connectors created by the kafka-connect-setup service are configured in the kafka-connectors-values.yaml file. The connectors in that file are organized by the application, and given parameters to define the Kafka -> MongoDB sync connector:

Connector Variable Required Condition Description
topicName Yes Always The name of the Kafka topic to sync from
collectionName Yes Always The name of the MongoDB collection to write to
generateTimestamp No Optional Enable or disable adding a timestamp to each message (true/false)
connectorName No Optional Override the name of the connector from the collectionName to this field instead
useTimestamp No Optional Converts the timestampField field at the top level of the value to a BSON date
timestampField No Required if useTimestamp is true The name of the timestamp field at the top level of the message
useKey No Optional Override the document _id field in MongoDB to use a specified keyField from the message
keyField No Required if useKey is true The name of the key field

The following environment variables can be used to configure Kafka Connectors:

Environment Variable Description
CONNECT_LOG_LEVEL Kafka connect log level (OFF, ERROR, WARN, INFO)
CONNECT_TASKS_MAX Number of concurrent tasks to configure on kafka connectors
CONNECT_CREATE_ODE Whether to create kafka connectors for the ODE
CONNECT_CREATE_GEOJSONCONVERTER Whether to create topics for the GeojsonConverter
CONNECT_CREATE_CONFLICTMONITOR Whether to create kafka connectors for the Conflict Monitor
CONNECT_CREATE_DEDUPLICATOR Whether to create kafka connectors for the Deduplicator
CONNECT_KAFKA_CONNECTORS_VALUES_FILE Path to a custom kafka-connectors-values.yaml file
CONNECT_CREATE_OTHER Whether to create kafka connectors for other applications, this is only useful when you attach a custom kafka-connectors-values.yaml file with other connectors

Quick Run

  1. Create a copy of sample.env and rename it to .env.
  2. Update the variable DOCKER_HOST_IP to the local IP address of the system running docker
  3. Set the password for MONGO_ADMIN_DB_PASS and MONGO_READ_WRITE_PASS environmental variables to a secure password.
  4. Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES variable to: kafka_connect_standalone,mongo_express,kafka_ui,kafka_setup
  5. Navigate back to the root directory and run the following command: docker compose up -d
  6. Produce a sample message to one of the sink topics by using kafka_ui by:
    1. Go to localhost:8001
    2. Click local -> Topics
    3. Select topic.OdeBsmJson
    4. Select Produce Message
    5. Leave the defaults except set the Value field to {"foo":"bar"}
    6. Click Produce Message
  7. View the synced message in mongo-express by:
    1. Go to localhost:8082
    2. Click ode -- Or click whatever value you set the MONGO_DB_NAME to
    3. Click OdeBsmJson, and now you should see your message!
  8. Feel free to test this with other topics or by producing to these topics using the ODE

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5. Monitoring Stack

The monitoring stack consists of Prometheus for metrics collection and Grafana for visualization, along with several exporters that collect metrics from different services. The configuration is defined in docker-compose-monitoring.yml.

Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES environmental variable as follows:

  • monitoring_full - deploys all resources in the docker-compose-monitoring.yml file
    • prometheus - deploys only the Prometheus service
    • grafana - deploys only the Grafana service
    • node_exporter - deploys only the Node Exporter service for system metrics
    • kafka_exporter - deploys only the Kafka Lag Exporter service
    • mongodb_exporter - deploys only the MongoDB Exporter service


The following environment variables can be used to configure the monitoring stack:

Environment Variable Description
PROMETHEUS_RETENTION Data retention period for Prometheus (default: 15d)
GRAFANA_ADMIN_USER Grafana admin username (default: admin)
GRAFANA_ADMIN_PASSWORD Grafana admin password (default: grafana)
KAFKA_LAG_EXPORTER_ROOT_LOG_LEVEL Root log level for kafka lag exporter (default: WARN)
KAFKA_LAG_EXPORTER_LOG_LEVEL Kafka lag exporter log level (default: INFO)
KAFKA_LAG_EXPORTER_KAFKA_LOG_LEVEL Kafka log level for kafka lag exporter (default: ERROR)

Quick Run

  1. Create a copy of sample.env and rename it to .env.
  2. Set the COMPOSE_PROFILES variable to: monitoring_full
  3. Update any passwords in the .env file for security
  4. Run the following command: docker compose up -d
  5. Access the monitoring interfaces:
    • Grafana: http://localhost:3000 (default credentials: admin/grafana)
    • Prometheus: http://localhost:9090
  6. The following metrics endpoints will be available:
    • Node Exporter: http://localhost:9100/metrics
    • Kafka Lag Exporter: http://localhost:8000/metrics
    • MongoDB Exporter: http://localhost:9216/metrics

Scrape Configurations

The scrape configurations for the monitoring stack are defined in the prometheus.yml file. If you would like to add a new scrape configuration, you can do so by adding a new job to the scrape_configs section. Please note that this file doesn't support environment variables, so you will need to manually edit the file.

The following scrape configurations are available:

  • prometheus - scrapes the Prometheus metrics
  • node_exporter - scrapes the Node Exporter metrics
  • kafka_exporter - scrapes the Kafka Lag Exporter metrics
  • mongodb_exporter - scrapes the MongoDB Exporter metrics

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Security Notice

While default passwords are provided for development convenience, it is strongly recommended to:

  1. Change all passwords before deploying to any environment
  2. Never use default passwords in production
  3. Use secure password generation and management practices
  4. Consider using Docker secrets or environment management tools for production deployments


CDOT's fork of the `jpo-utils` project






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