Platform to visualize data from barrios
- Census 2012
- Walkscore
- R
- Shiny
- Tidyverse
- Leaflet
- Mapbox
1 | Barrio Amanecer | Temuco - Padre Las Casas | Temuco |
2 | Barrio Estación | Temuco - Padre Las Casas | Temuco |
3 | Camilo Henriquez | Gran Concepción | Concepción |
4 | Fundo El Carmen | Temuco | Temuco |
5 | Lomas de San Sebastian | Gran Concepción | Concepción |
6 | Villa Los Fundadores | Valdivia | Valdivia |
7 | Parque Krahmer | Valdivia | Valdivia |
8 | Sector Regional | Valdivia | Valdivia |
9 | Barrio Brasil | Gran Santiago | Santiago |
10 | Villa Codelco | Copiapó | Copiapó |
11 | Tierra Viva Oriente | Copiapó | Copiapó |
12 | El Llano | Gran Coquimbo | Coquimbo |
13 | Villa Vista Hermosa | Gran Coquimbo | La Serena |
14 | Barrio San Miguel | Gran Santiago | San Miguel |
15 | Barrio Las Lilas | Gran Santiago | Providencia |
16 | Barrio Jardin del Este | Gran Santiago | Vitacura |
17 | Barrio Plaza de Maipú | Gran Santiago | Maipú |
18 | Barrios Bajos | Valdivia | Valdivia |
19 | Guayacán | Gran Coquimbo | Coquimbo |
20 | Villa Esperanza | Copiapó | Copiapó |
21 | El Faro Parte Alta | Gran Coquimbo | Coquimbo |
22 | Juan XXIII | Gran Coquimbo | La Serena |
23 | Chorrillos | Gran Santiago | Independencia |
24 | Brasilia | Gran Santiago | San Miguel |
25 | El Mariscal | Gran Santiago | Puente Alto |
26 | U.V. 35 José María Caro | Gran Santiago | Lo Espejo |
27 | Pucará de Lasana | Gran Santiago | Quilicura |
28 | Juan González Huerta | Gran Concepción | Talcahuano |
29 | Cerro Verde Alto | Gran Concepción | Penco |
30 | Leonera 2 | Gran Concepción | Chiguayante |
31 | Padre Hurtado (CCSS) | Temuco - Padre Las Casas | Temuco |
32 | Las Quilas | Temuco - Padre Las Casas | Temuco |
> head(readRDS("accesibility_score_final_15.RDS"))
ID_W value d
1 9112041001032 36 Barrio Amanecer
2 9101171003040 75 Barrio Amanecer
3 9101171003002 52 Barrio Amanecer
4 9101171001001 54 Barrio Amanecer
5 9101171003028 65 Barrio Amanecer
6 9101171002002 80 Barrio Amanecer
ID_W | Census code related to manzana |
value | Score of the indicator |
d | Barrio's name |
Hey! In your code you have a hidden data.frame to specify the legend and codenames of databases!
Yes I have one and I'm using it because I'm lazy to externalize the data.frame. In a future version and when the amount of indicators change I'll add a external dataset to add custom parameters.
- First you have to set up a database using the specifications above
- Then edit the hidden data.frames and choose a view (at the moment I have 3)
- First you have to download the shapes and load everything in R
- Add your current barrios file, and run the scripts in add_new_barrios folder
1 | Add initial year in the year of construction indicator | DONE |
2 | Add last year in the year of construction indicator | DONE |
3 | Add avaluo fiscal indicator | DONE |
4 | Fix bugs on the platform | DONE |
5 | Add indicator of cars by housing | DONE |
6 | Count houses in every manzana | DONE |
7 | Add dropdown to select location | DONE |