FEST-C version 1.2 Public Release May 2016
Generate fertilizer application input for CMAQ bi-directional NH3 modeling
The Fertilizer Emission Scenario Tool for CMAQ (FEST-C) system is used to simulate daily fertilizer application information using the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model for a defined CMAQ domain. This EPIC output information is a required input for CMAQ bi-directional NH3 modeling. The FEST-C contains two major components - a Java-based interface and EPIC modeling system. The FEST-C interface integrates the WRF/CMAQ with EPIC through the current release of the Spatial Allocator (SA v4.2) Raster Tools system. The interface contains 13 sub-interface tools which guide users through the EPIC simulations for CMAQ. The FEST-C system can be used in assessing not only the impacts of agricultural fertilization and management practices on the air quality (NH3) and climate (N2O), but also the impacts of meteorology/climate and air quality (N deposition) on crop yield, soil erosion and overall nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus biogeochemical status of the agricultural ecosystem.
FEST-C works for domains at different resolutions and in any of the four WRF projection coordinate systems - longitude/latitude, Lambert Conformal Conic, Universal Polar Stereographic, and Mercator
Java-based FEST-C interface with 13 sub-interface tools to:
• Build the input database of 21 crops for EPIC model simulations for a given CMAQ domain
• Simulate daily fertilizer application information based entirely on simulated plant demand in response to local soil and weather conditions using EPIC,
• Extract EPIC daily output for CMAQ bi-directional NH3 modeling, and
• Visualize the simulation results spatially over the modeling domain.
EPIC Modeling system including:
• EPIC model version 0509 from Texas A&M University (TAMU), modified by EPA to meet CMAQ input requirements,
• Utility programs to build EPIC input data sets for CMAQ domain grid cells,
• Common data sets (e.g. weather station climate statistic files and built soil data files) included in the
EPIC modeling,
• Scenarios which contain a test case and to store users' application scenarios, and
• Documentation of the EPIC Modeling System for CMAQ 12km Grids in the FEST-C.
UPDATES in Version 1.2
• Enhanced FEST-C interface options for spinup and app simulations
• Modified daily and annual output to include wind erosion and phosphorus variables
• Added more utility tools to process EPIC output data
• Elevation bug fix