SMOKE Test Case Using EPA's Emission Modeling Platform format
The files in this repository serve as a suite of tests for the SMOKE programs and rely on having successfully installed SMOKE and its prerequisites in your system.
Only run scripts for the test case are kept in this repository. Entire dataset for this Test Case could be downloaded from
List of sectors covered in this Test Case:
- np_oilgas
- pt_oilgas
- biogenics (BEIS4)
To test SMOKE and its components, users have to follow the next steps:
- Download Test Case data set from the Google Drive link above.
cd someplaceinyoursystem/
mkdir /path_to_your_SMOKE_test_folder/
cd /path_to_your_SMOKE_test_folder/
and get a copy of the SMOKE-TestCase scripts
git clone -b main SMOKE-TestCase
- Download the Test Case input data from here: *Note that in this directory, both input and output data for QA purposes are provided
Unzip the input data archive:
cd ..
tar -xvf smoke_training_october_2024.tar.gz
Unzip the output dataset needed for QA steps:
tar -xvf SMOKE-TestCase-output.tar.gz
- Navigate to the SMOKE-TestCase scripts folder and edit run_settings.txt
cd SMOKE-TestCase/scripts/
vim directory_definitions.csh
Modify the following paths to point to the correct for your system:
INSTALL_DIR : Root directory (i.e. someplaceinyoursystem/ under which your keep your SMOKE-TestCase)
MET_ROOT : Full path of MCIP (meteorology) files (in the tarball with inputs above, MCIP output for July 2017 12US1 domain is not included, so for our TestCase downoald 12US1 inputs and link to someplaceinyoursystem/mcip)
Update: 12US1 July 2017 MCIP data is available on the CMAS Data Warehouse on AWS:
Browse SMOKE Test Case view readme.html for download instructions:
MET_ROOT_3D : Path to the full layered METCRO3D files (same as above, if you are using the TestCase inputs)
SMOKE_LOCATION : Path to the directory with the SMOKE executables
IOAPI_LOCATION : Path to the directory I/O API utilities
- Go to the scripts directory for the nonpoint sector and run the onetime script:
cd nonpoint
./Annual_np_oilgas_12US1_2017gb_17j_TestCase.csh >& np_oilgas_TestCase.log
You should be able to check the log file and and verify that the script and programs finished running successfully.
The structure within /path_to_your_SMOKE_test_folder/SMOKE-TestCase/ should have expanded and you can see your output files for this sector.
At this point, users may want to verify the output against the relevant dataset downloaded for QA purposes in step 2.
- Go to the scripts directory for the point sector and run the onetime script:
cd ../point
./Annual_pt_oilgas_onetime_12US1_2017gb_17j_TestCase.csh >& pt_oilgas_onetime_TestCase.log
Check the logs and verify the script and programs finished running successfully for the onetime script. Once the onetime step is complete, run the daily script:
./Annual_pt_oilgas_daily_12US1_2017gb_17j_TestCase.csh >& pt_oilgas_daily_TestCase.log
Verify the script and programs finished running successfully for the daily script.
In addition, users can now test the latest version of BEIS4 to derive emission estimates for the biogenic sector.
To run the biogenic sector scripts, download and unzip the biogenic input package from the same directory and navigate to the biogenics folder:
cd ../biogenics
./ >& normbeis4_TestCase.log
./tmpbeis4.2020.csh >& tmpbeis4_TestCase.log
Users can also download the biogenic-output dataset, found in the same folder and compare against their BEIS4 output.
If there are no errors and no differences in the output files for the above sectors your SMOKE setup is working!
Users can use the IOAPI program m3diff to check for differences in the input: