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Releases: CGray1234/SqoreToggler

Update to 1.35

15 Apr 00:55
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What's changed?

  • Updated to 1.35


There may be a bug that prevents the ranked warning from appearing. It is not confirmed if that is a bug or not, but this release is beta for now.

Ranked Warning

15 Oct 00:25
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What's changed?

v0.5.0 has released, bringing a new update that I think you will like.

If a map is ranked and your scores are disabled, a warning will automatically appear confirming if you want to keep score submissions off, or reenable them. This warning can be disabled in mod settings or by clicking the 'No, don't show again" button when the warning appears.

Experiencing issues?

If you find something wrong with the mod, please submit an issue by clicking here.

If you happen to know how to rearrange the buttons so they can be next to each other, please make a fork or create an issue. I was unable to figure that out so if you know how that is accomplished, please let me know.


13 Oct 01:19
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What's changed?

  • Submission status text has been shortened
  • Text & toggle switch have been moved to prevent leaderboard overlapping

Experiencing issues?

If you find something wrong with the mod, please submit an issue by clicking here.

Update for 1.27 and 1.28

08 Apr 22:00
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Been a while since a new release

What's changed?

  • Updated to 1.27 and 1.28
  • Added text under the button that shows if scores are enabled, disabled by SqoreToggler, or disabled by another mod

Lots of improvements!

27 Nov 06:16
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The new ModID is not the same as previous versions, therefore BMBF recognizes this as a completely different mod.

What's changed?

  • Moved toggle to leaderboard (I think this fits the mod much better, and it doesn't screw with replay or the delete button!)
  • Deleted ModSettings UI (imo this was useless, it was also very buggy)
  • The entire toggle can be clicked, rather than having to click on the left side of it
  • Hover hint is in the right spot
  • ModID was fixed

Pictures below:
com beatgames beatsaber-20221127-005820
com beatgames beatsaber-20221127-005830
com beatgames beatsaber-20221127-005839

Update to 1.25.1

20 Oct 03:40
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What's changed?

  • Update to 1.25.1

Small Bug Fixes

15 Oct 04:39
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Bug Fix

What's changed?

  • BeatLeader will now show that SqoreToggler disabled score submissions
  • Added more to the settings menu
  • Added cover

Coming soon™:

  • (hopefully) Fixing that annoying bug where only ~half of the button is actually clickable
  • Maybe moving the switch by the leaderboard

These are not guaranteed to release

First Release

02 Oct 02:40
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Woohoo! An official release! Hopefully I won't need to make any more bug fixes because this was a PAIN

What does this mod do?

This mod allows you to enable/disable score submissions in the main menu.


If you want to contribute to this mod, go right ahead! Get creative, add optimizations, do whatever you would like as long as you give credit and don't use this for malicious acts.

Have questions or issues? Go to and create an issue.

plz don't contact thru discord don't ask just don't do it because i won't respond