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Random Bash scrips

Just some random bash scripts which may be useful, if you do not want command prompt to show any output put @echo off at the start of the file.

This script requires 7 Zip to be installed under C:\Program Files\7-Zip

  • Change %USERPROFILE%\Desktop to the directory you want to backup.
  • Change %USERPROFILE%\OneDrive\Desktop to where you want the backup to be saved.
  • Change to a more descriptive name of what you're backing up.
  • The backup directory will open once complete so you can view your new zip file

Backup TP to OneDrive closes Touch Portal, creates a manual backup and saves it to the TouchPortal folder in my One Drive.

Backup OBS to OneDrive is a slightly modified version of nutty's Backup All Your OBS Settins which zips a portable version of OBS so it can be completely restored if something goes wrong.

This simple script prompts a user to select a project name and creates the necessary folders and basic blank documents to get started building a website. The project name cannot contain a space, or the script breaks.

  • set /p [variableName]= allows a user to input a variable, the text inside the " " provides the user with a prompt.
  • mkdir creates a directory.
  • cd changes the directory you are in.
  • cd ../ goes back a directory.
  • echo .>[FILENAME.EXTENSION] creates a blank file.


Random Bash scrips






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