Final Project for ACIT 4420
This project contains two modules: Tarjan Planner and File Organizer.
- Tarjan Planner: A module for planning the most efficient path for Tarjan to take through Seoul, S. Korea while delivering gifts to his relatives.
- File Organizer: A module to organize files in a directory based on their file types.
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the directory and install the package using pip:
cd final_project_ckaba pip install .
Ensure the source directory contains files to be organized.
Run the File Organizer module:
Run the Tarjan Planner module:
The configuration file config.json
for the File Organizer module contains settings for the source directory, destination directory, log file, and file type patterns. You can customize these settings as needed.
Example config.json
"source_directory": "file_organizer/source_directory",
"destination_directory": "file_organizer/organized_files",
"log_file": "file_organizer/file_organizer.log",
"file_types": {
"images": "\\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$",
"documents": "\\.(pdf|docx|txt)$",
"videos": "\\.(mp4|mkv|avi)$",
"music": "\\.(mp3|wav|flac)$",
"archives": "\\.(zip|tar|gz|rar)$"